Managing for safety

This area of the site provides guidance specifically for employers and people responsible for a workplace, about legal obligations and general good practice.

People looking at these pages should also consider the other areas of the site, which will provide relevant information and downloads for different people in the workplace.

The Information area is divided into:

  • Risk Assessment
    Every business has to undertake a Risk Assessment, by law. Find out how to go about it, what you should consider, write down, and review, all in the context of transport in your workplace.
  • Organising for Safety
    Find out how, as a manager, you should be setting up safe ways of working, communicating with people who work with you, and making sure you have done all you can to organise your workplace safely.
  • Creating a Safe Workplace
    Advice about organising your site, including details about parking areas, loading and unloading sites, road layouts and other infrastructure and route issues.
  • Choosing and Training Safe Drivers
    Employers and managers are responsible for making sure that people are able to undertake their tasks safely. Find out more on this page.
  • Vehicle Safety
    Guidance regarding the safe use and upkeep of workplace vehicles.
  • Delivering safely
    Do vehicles visit your workplace to deliver or collect goods? Does your business use vehicles to deliver or collect goods from other businesses? If so, this guidance applies to you.

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