Section 4 - Vehicle maintenance
Check the level of vehicle maintenance is adequate
Is there a regular preventative maintenance programme for every vehicle, carried out at predetermined intervals of time or mileage? eg in accordance with manufacturers' instructions? | By law, every employer must make sure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair. It is important that vehicles are maintained so that they are mechanically in good condition. Planned maintenance should be thorough, regular and frequent enough to meet the manufacturer's guidelines and common sense. |
Is there a system for reporting faults on the vehicle and associated equipment and carrying out remedial work? | To help identify problems which may happen while the vehicle is being used, the driver will need instruction or training on carrying out appropriate checks and reporting any problems. Employers may find it helpful to give drivers a list of daily checks to sign off for their vehicles. An incident reporting system is essential to enable employers to meet their legal obligations to report some accidents. It is important that managers do not use the incident reporting system to apportion blame as this may discourage employees from using it. A clear and simple procedure for reporting faults and hazards can help prevent serious accidents. It is also valuable in monitoring how effective your safety measures are. It is likely that training will need to cover how and where to report faults or hazards; and procedures for reporting accidents. Simple guide to Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998[79] |
Where vehicle attachments lift people or objects, are thorough examinations undertaken by a competent person (eg your insurance company)? |
Do the drivers carry out basic safety checks before using the vehicle? | By law, every employer must make sure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair. Inspections could range from drivers carrying out start-up safety checks before using the vehicle (such as checking that the tyres are properly inflated) to regular preventive maintenance inspections carried out based on time or mileage. Each vehicle you purchase or hire should come with a handbook giving manufacturer's guidance on regular maintenance. |
- Next: Section 5 - Vehicle movements[84]
- Previous: Section 3 - Vehicle selection and suitability[85]
- Checklist HSE[86]