Vehicle safety
Employers and dutyholders must make sure that vehicles used in the workplace are: safe, driven safely, and regularly maintained, repaired and inspected.
Key messages
Employers and dutyholders must make sure that vehicles used in the workplace are:
- safe;
- right for the job;
- driven safely;
- accessed safely; and
- regularly maintained, repaired and inspected.
These pages are for workplace transport managers who are responsible for choosing and maintaining vehicles for use in the workplace.
- Safe vehicles[78]
- Safe manoeuvring[79]
- Ways to stop vehicles from moving[80]
- The right vehicle for the job[81]
- Inspection, maintenance and repair[82]
- Securing loads[83]
- Site-based access to vehicles[84]
- Vehicle-based access to vehicles [85]
- Preventing falls from vehicles [86]
- Safe sites[87]
- Safe drivers[88]