Section 9 - Tipping

Check that tipping operations are carried out safely

Do visiting drivers report to the site manager for any relevant instructions prior to commencing tipping operations?

Drivers should be given full details of the load and delivery conditions, including how they can get there safely.

Drivers visiting a site should have to report to the site operator for any relevant instructions.

When tipping is being arranged, both the haulier and the person receiving the load should exchange written information about the load, safe tipping, the characteristics of the site, a safe route to the site, and safe ways of working.  The driver and workers at the receiving site should be made aware of this information as well, and before the delivery begins.

Tipping information[78]

Are non-essential personnel excluded from tipping areas?

You can remove the risks to people who do not need to be in the tipping area by making sure that they are kept completely clear.

Making sure that everyone is aware tipping is about to happen and only those people involved in the tipping are in the immediate area.

Are tipping operations undertaken on ground that is level and stable, and a location free from overhead hazards such as power lines, pipework, etc?

Overhead power lines[79]

Where sites are not level and stable, are the tipping faces safe for vehicles involved in tipping operations, eg compacted and no side slopes?

At sites where level and stable tipping places cannot always be guaranteed you will need to make sure that tipping faces are suitable and safe (for example, by making sure that the faces are will compacted, and that there are no significant side slopes.

For tipping over unsupported embankments or faces. The wheel stop will need to be far enough from the edge to make sure the weight of the vehicle does not make the ground collapse.

Tipping information[80]

Are suitably sized wheel-stops provided where vehicles need to reverse prior to tipping? Where possible, and particularly where reversing needs to happen, wheel stops that are large enough to let the driver know to stop should be used, to help position vehicles correctly.

Tipping information[81]

Are drivers clear about when tailgates should be released or removed? The tailgate should be released before tipping and removed if necessary.
Do drivers check that their loads are evenly distributed across the vehicle prior to commencing tipping operations? Before tipping starts, the driver may need to check that the load is evenly distributed across the vehicle.  This is particularly important where:
  • The load might have slipped sideways or too far forwards, risking overloading the tipping gear;
  • The load shifting sideways or backwards could make the vehicle topple over; or
  • There is a risk of the load 'freezing' down one side as a result of movement or settling. If this happens, that side could cause an imbalance and cause the vehicle to topple. Care needs to be taken that the load is released evenly.
Are the drivers sufficiently experienced to anticipate loads sticking?

Drivers should be trained in safe tipping, and should understand the limits of what their vehicle can do safely.

Drivers should receive training and instruction in how to anticipate loads sticking or 'freezing' in the body.

Training drivers[82]

Do drivers always ensure that the body is completely empty, and drive no more than a few metres forward to ensure the load is clear?

After releasing the load the driver should always make sure that the body is completely empty.

The driver should not drive more than a few metres forward to make sure the load is clear, and should only do this after checking that the load is at the bottom of the tipped body.  If the driver has to leave the cab to do this, they should fully apply the brakes, turn off the engine and (if possible) remove the keys.  Again, the vehicle will always need to be given a wide berth.

Is there a system of maintenance in place for the tipper and the tipping mechanism?

By law, every employer must make sure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.

Each vehicle you purchase or hire should come with a handbook giving manufacturer's guide on regular maintenance.

Poorly maintained tipping vehicles and under-trained operators are common causes of accidents during tipping, for example, overturns usually have the potential to kill people and can be the result of a  number of different problems.

Inspection, maintenance and repair[83]

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Link URLs in this page

  1. Workplace transport
  2. Introduction
  3. Legislation
  4. Overview - Management responsibilities
  5. Risk assessment
  6. Taking responsibility
  7. Communication
  8. Co-operation
  9. FAQs on workplace transport
  10. Overview - People's safety
  11. Recruitment
  12. Induction
  13. Initial training
  14. Refresher training
  15. Maintaining good practice
  16. Managing contractors
  17. Visiting drivers
  18. Medical fitness to drive
  19. Smoking in vehicles
  20. Overview - Vehicle safety
  21. Safe vehicles
  22. Safe manoeuvring
  23. Ways to stop vehicles from moving
  24. The right vehicle for the job
  25. Inspection, maintenance and repair
  26. Securing loads
  27. Site-based access to vehicles
  28. Vehicle-based access to vehicles
  29. Preventing falls from vehicles
  30. Safe sites
  31. Safe drivers
  32. Overview - Site safety
  33. Traffic routes
  34. Driving surfaces
  35. Vehicles and loads
  36. Vehicle handling
  37. Speed
  38. Traffic management
  39. Separating pedestrians and vehicles
  40. Signs, signals and road markings
  41. Protecting structures
  42. Lighting
  43. Parking
  44. Loading areas
  45. Temporary workplaces and unprepared roadways
  46. Site-based ways to stop vehicles from moving
  47. General maintenance
  48. Overview - Lift trucks
  49. Managing lift trucks
  50. Lift-truck training
  51. Voluntary accreditation schemes for lift-truck training
  52. Thorough examination
  53. Frequently asked questions
  54. Overview - Inspection
  55. Management and supervision of workplace transport risk
  56. Site layout and internal traffic routes
  57. Vehicle selection and suitability
  58. Vehicle maintenance
  59. Vehicle movements
  60. Un(loading) activities
  61. Driver competence
  62. (Un)sheeting
  63. Tipping
  64. References and useful links
  65. Overview - Resources
  66. Overview - Case studies
  67. Interactive case studies
  68. Overview - Publications
  69. Factsheets and further reading
  70. Other publications
  71. Overview - Safety signs
  72. Banksman's signals
  73. 'Not allowed' signs
  74. 'Danger warning' signs
  75. Signs required by law
  76. Research
  77. Statistics
  78. Tipping information
  79. Overhead power lines
  80. Tipping information
  81. Tipping information
  82. Training drivers
  83. Inspection, maintenance and repair
  84. Next: Section 10 - References and useful links
  85. Previous: Section 8 - (Un)sheeting
  86. Checklist HSE
  87. Workplace transport safety – an overview
  88. Workplace transport safety - An employer's guide (HSG136)
  89. Securing loads on HGVs and goods vehicles (Guidance - GOV.UK)
  90. Falls from vehicles
  91. Statistics
  92. Science and research
  93. Safety bulletin
  94. Agriculture
  95. Construction
  96. Logistics
  97. Road safety (work related)
  98. Whole Body Vibration
  99. Safety bulletin

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Updated 2021-11-15