
Key messages

  • Workers and duty holders must co-operate on matters of health and safety.
  • By law, employees must co-operate with their employers, so they can meet with their health and safety responsibilities. A clear and simple procedure for reporting faults, hazards and incidents (often known as a 'near-miss reporting scheme') can help prevent serious accidents.

Accident and 'near-miss' reporting

A clear and simple accident reporting system helps you

  • meet your legal duties to report accidents;
  • monitor how effective measures to prevent accidents are;
  • make sure that all accidents are reported to managers;
  • see what went wrong and where things could improve; and
  • involve workers in health and safety decisions.

Employers should not use accident reports to blame people as this may discourage employees from using it.

Monitoring safe working

Supervision is an essential part of monitoring safe working. The level of supervision should reflect how serious the risks involved are and the ability of employees to avoid them. Even where risks are low, some supervision will always be needed to make sure that standards are maintained.

There are also other ways of making sure people meet their duties. Security systems (such as patrols, gate staff and camera systems) can be an effective way of checking that workplace rules are followed. Gate staff in particular can be an effective way of making sure visitors receive safety information before they enter the site.

There will usually need to be a clear system of penalties if anyone fails to maintain standards or follow safe working practices. For employees, there are usually disciplinary procedures, with the possibility of dismissal. For contractors, there may be financial penalties or termination of their contract (or both).

Authorising specific people to operate certain vehicles, or to carry out vehicle-related activities (such as maintenance) can help employers or managers control risks.

In a large organisation, senior managers need to be satisfied that managers and supervisors involved in day-to-day work activities are able to secure safe working practices and a safe workplace. They need to be able to:

  • control risks;
  • communicate effectively to maintain a flow of information on safety, in both directions;
  • encourage the people they are responsible for to co-operate; and
  • organise activity in a way that secures and maintains a safe working environment.

In all organisations, duty holders need to make sure wherever possible that employees, contractors and visitors are carrying out their work activities in a safe and responsible way. For workplace transport, this is likely to include checking training and previous experience, knowledge, abilities and general fitness for tasks they need to do (see Personnel[78]).

Employers need to be able and willing to provide information, instruction, supervision and helpful feedback to employees on their safety performance.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Workplace transport
  2. Introduction
  3. Legislation
  4. Overview - Management responsibilities
  5. Risk assessment
  6. Taking responsibility
  7. Communication
  8. Co-operation
  9. FAQs on workplace transport
  10. Overview - People's safety
  11. Recruitment
  12. Induction
  13. Initial training
  14. Refresher training
  15. Maintaining good practice
  16. Managing contractors
  17. Visiting drivers
  18. Medical fitness to drive
  19. Smoking in vehicles
  20. Overview - Vehicle safety
  21. Safe vehicles
  22. Safe manoeuvring
  23. Ways to stop vehicles from moving
  24. The right vehicle for the job
  25. Inspection, maintenance and repair
  26. Securing loads
  27. Site-based access to vehicles
  28. Vehicle-based access to vehicles
  29. Preventing falls from vehicles
  30. Safe sites
  31. Safe drivers
  32. Overview - Site safety
  33. Traffic routes
  34. Driving surfaces
  35. Vehicles and loads
  36. Vehicle handling
  37. Speed
  38. Traffic management
  39. Separating pedestrians and vehicles
  40. Signs, signals and road markings
  41. Protecting structures
  42. Lighting
  43. Parking
  44. Loading areas
  45. Temporary workplaces and unprepared roadways
  46. Site-based ways to stop vehicles from moving
  47. General maintenance
  48. Overview - Lift trucks
  49. Managing lift trucks
  50. Lift-truck training
  51. Voluntary accreditation schemes for lift-truck training
  52. Thorough examination
  53. Frequently asked questions
  54. Overview - Inspection
  55. Management and supervision of workplace transport risk
  56. Site layout and internal traffic routes
  57. Vehicle selection and suitability
  58. Vehicle maintenance
  59. Vehicle movements
  60. Un(loading) activities
  61. Driver competence
  62. (Un)sheeting
  63. Tipping
  64. References and useful links
  65. Overview - Resources
  66. Overview - Case studies
  67. Interactive case studies
  68. Overview - Publications
  69. Factsheets and further reading
  70. Other publications
  71. Overview - Safety signs
  72. Banksman's signals
  73. 'Not allowed' signs
  74. 'Danger warning' signs
  75. Signs required by law
  76. Research
  77. Statistics
  78. Personnel
  79. Workplace transport safety – an overview
  80. Workplace transport safety - An employer's guide (HSG136)
  81. Securing loads on HGVs and goods vehicles (Guidance - GOV.UK)
  82. Falls from vehicles
  83. Statistics
  84. Science and research
  85. Safety bulletin
  86. Agriculture
  87. Construction
  88. Logistics
  89. Road safety (work related)
  90. Whole Body Vibration
  91. Safety bulletin

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