General workplace transport publications
- Workplace transport safety - An employer's guide[78] - HSG 136 HSE Books 2005 ISBN0-7176-6154-7
- Workplace transport safety - An overview[79] - Leaflet INDG 199 (rev 1) HSE Books 2005
Free leaflets
- Delivering safely[80]
- Health and safety in road haulage (PDF) [81] - INDG379 HSE Books 2003
- Working safely near overhead power lines Agriculture Information Sheet AIS8(rev2)[82]HSE Books 2000
- Safe use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) in agriculture and forestry Agriculture Information Sheet AIS33 (PDF) [83] HSE Books 1999
Other relevant HSE publications
- Rider-operated lift trucks. Operator training and safe use. Approved Code of Practice and guidance[84] L117 HSE Books 2013 ISBN 978 0 7176 6441 2.
- Safe use of work equipment. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. Approved Code of Practice and guidance[85] L22 (Second edition) HSE Books 1998 ISBN 0 7176 1626 6
Publications by other organisations
- 'Coupling and Uncoupling & Parking of Large Goods Vehicle Trailers – Guidance for managers, supervisors and trainers', is now available to download from the SOE website.
- Designing for Deliveries Freight Transport Association 1998 ISBN 0 9029 9166 3 Available from The FTA, Hermes House, St John's Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9UZ. Tel 01892 526 171
- The Highway Code[86] Driving Standards Agency The Stationery Office 2004 ISBN 0 11 552698 6
- The Safety of Loads on Vehicles: Code of Practice (PDF) [87] Department for Transport
- At A Glance[88] Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
- Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers Code for Lighting Butterworth Heinemann 2002 ISBN 0 750 656379
- Worksafe Western Australia Commission Safe Movement of Workplace Transport (WSWA Ref: 0065) Government of Western Australia 2001 ISBN 0 7307 6118 5 (free)
British Standards
- BS 7669-3:1994 Vehicle restraint systems. Guide to the installation, inspection and repair of safety fences British Standards Institution ISBN 0 580 22178 4
- BS 6180:1999 Barriers in and about buildings. Code of practice British Standards Institution ISBN 0 580 33051 6
- BS 873-1:1983 Road traffic signs and internally illuminated bollards. Methods of test British Standards Institution ISBN 0 580 130495
- BS 6736: 1986 Code of practice for hand signalling for use in agricultural operations British Standards Institution ISBN 0 580 15396 7
Further information
HSE priced and free publications are available by mail order from HSE Books, TSO Customer Services, PO Box 29, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Tel: +44 (0)333 202 5070.
HSE priced publications are also available from bookshops and free leaflets can be downloaded from HSE website.