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Upper limb disorders

Employers must protect workers from the risks of developing upper limb disorders (ULDs) caused by work. Upper limb disorders include aches and pains in the shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and fingers, as well as in the neck. They can be caused or made worse by work, for example on assembly lines, in construction, meat or poultry processing and in work with computers.

Protect your workers

You must:

  • do a risk assessment[79]
  • protect your workers from injury, for example from repetitive work
  • protect your workers from the health risks of working with display screen equipment[80], such as PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones
  • protect your workers from exposure to vibration[81], for example from hand-held tools

Consult and involve your workers[82] and make sure they know how to report any injuries.

Causes of upper limb disorders at work

Upper limb disorders are more common in tasks at work that involve:

  • prolonged repetitive work, particularly using the same hand or arm action
  • uncomfortable or awkward working postures
  • sustained or excessive force
  • carrying out a task for a long time without suitable rest breaks
  • working with hand-held power tools for long periods of time

Other things that may have an influence are:

  • a poor working environment (including temperature and lighting)
  • poor work organisation (including workload, job demands and lack of breaks)
  • individual differences and vulnerability (some workers are more affected by certain risks)

Workers may be more likely to suffer upper limb problems if there is more than one risk factor in their work.


Your workers may have symptoms in their upper limbs such as:

  • aches and pains, tenderness, weakness, tingling, numbness, cramp, burning, redness and swelling
  • stiffness, pain or reduced movement in their joints

A number of disorders can affect upper limbs, such as:

Some of these are reportable[87].

Encourage workers to report any signs and symptoms at an early stage, before they become more serious, so you can take steps to reduce the risk. People with ULDs usually completely recover if the problem is recognised early and treated appropriately.

If your workers have symptoms, consider taking advice from an occupational health provider on a worker's fitness for work and any restrictions or adaptations to their work.

Assess the risk

As an employer, you have a duty to assess risks in your workplace:

  • Look around your workplace to see which tasks may cause harm and why
  • Decide how likely it is that people might be harmed
  • Identify the factors that create a risk of harm and decide how to control them

Ask workers about any risks from their work - often they may be able to suggest solutions.

You can use HSE's simple filter (PDF) [88] to help you identify jobs with higher potential risks that are worth looking at in more detail.

Note that the 2-hour period in the filter is not a fixed limit and it should be applied taking account of the task and the person carrying it out. For example, if there is a lot of repetition and/or force required for a period shorter than 2 hours, or the worker has a medical condition affecting their neck or upper limbs, you should do a full risk assessment.

If the risk filter indicates you need to do a more detailed assessment, the Assessment of Repetitive Tasks tool (ART)[89] lets you assess individual risk factors and prioritise your control measures using a colour-coding and scoring system. The scores provide clear action levels as a result of your assessment. However, the ART tool may not amount to a full risk assessment, as some aspects, such as individual factors, are not covered.

You can use HSE's ULDs risk assessment worksheets (PDF) [90] from Upper limb disorders in the workplace[91] to carry out a more detailed assessment than the ART tool provides. The worksheets help you to analyse the risk factors in your workplace in more detail and include space to note down problems, causes and possible control options.

If items weigh more than 8 kg and the task involves manual handling, consider using the MAC tool (Manual handling assessment charts)[92].

Psychosocial factors

As well as considering the physical aspects of the work, you also need to take account of psychosocial risk factors.[93] These may affect workers' psychological responses to their work and workplace conditions. Examples are high workloads, tight deadlines and lack of control over the work and working methods, which may make people more likely to develop and report ULDs.

Reduce the risk of upper limb disorders

You may not be able to prevent all cases of upper limb disorders, but there are things you can do to help prevent symptoms happening or getting worse, whether they are caused by or made worse by work.

The most effective ways to avoid or reduce the risk are:

  • consider the risks when designing new workstations or planning new tasks so that the risks can be planned out - it is cheaper than changing them later
  • eliminate part or all of the task using, for example, automation or powered tools

If you cannot eliminate the risk:

  • focus first on reducing the risk of the higher-risk activities or those that affect most workers
  • make sure tools and equipment fit the workers' hands and are suitable for the task
  • make sure workstations are at a suitable height for comfortable working (and that suitable chairs and footrests are provided). Consider adjustable workstations
  • change the workstation layout to improve the posture of the workers, particularly when they are applying force
  • reduce the amount of force, vibration, repetition and prolonged fixed postures
  • reduce the length of time that operators do the same task, allowing regular changes in posture
  • improve the working environment (cold temperatures and draughts can contribute to discomfort)

Test any changes on one or two workers before making changes for everyone and monitor regularly to make sure your controls are working.

There are more specific examples of how to reduce the risk[94].

If a task is causing or contributing to a ULD, the worker may need to stop doing that task for a while. Temporary modified duties could help them recover.

The NHS has evidence-based advice about upper limb disorders[95] at work and there is other useful advice for workers[96].

The law

There are no specific regulations about managing the risks of upper limb disorders, but employers have legal duties[97] under the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations and the Control of Vibration Regulations may also apply.

Link URLs in this page

  1. MSDs
  2. Back pain
  3. Upper limb disorders
  4. Lower limb disorders
  5. Display screen equipment (DSE)
  6. Manual handling at work
  7. Overview - MSD toolkit
  8. Overview - MAC tool
  9. Introduction to MAC
  10. Development
  11. Score sheet
  12. Overview - Lifting
  13. Lifting from pallet video
  14. Lifting creels of wire video
  15. Lifting control measures
  16. Overview - Carrying
  17. Carrying from conveyor video
  18. Carrying task in pastry factory video
  19. Carrying control measures
  20. Overview - Team handling
  21. Team handling pallet video
  22. Team handling container video
  23. Team handling control measures
  24. Psychosocial risk factors
  25. Individual differences
  26. MAC assessment tips
  27. MAC FAQ
  28. Overview - V-MAC
  29. Advantages and limitations
  30. What you need to know
  31. How to use the V-MAC
  32. Which jobs and workers to assess
  33. Entering data
  34. What does the V-MAC tell you?
  35. Values in the summary table
  36. Recording and using
  37. Worked examples
  38. V-MAC FAQs
  39. Overview - ART tool
  40. What is the ART tool
  41. Overview - Learning to use the ART tool
  42. Preparation
  43. Risk factors
  44. Observation
  45. Overview - Making an assessment
  46. Task descriptions
  47. Overview - Assessment guide
  48. A. Frequency and repetition of movements
  49. B. Force
  50. C. Awkward postures
  51. D. Additional factors
  52. Score sheet
  53. A walkthrough
  54. Overview - Try it out
  55. Book binding
  56. Jogging sheets
  57. Collating papers
  58. Whisky carton assembly
  59. Croissant curling
  60. Overview - Analysis and actions
  61. What the scores mean
  62. Analysing task rotation
  63. Overview - Taking action
  64. Repetition
  65. Force
  66. Posture
  67. Duration
  68. Physical environment
  69. Psychosocial issues
  70. Art Tool Resources
  71. Frequently asked questions
  72. Overview - RAPP tool
  73. Push/pull risks
  74. Push/pull risk assessment
  75. The law
  76. Health monitoring
  77. Workers
  78. Resources
  79. risk assessment
  80. display screen equipment
  81. vibration
  82. Consult and involve your workers
  83. carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
  84. tendonitis
  85. osteoarthritis
  86. hand-arm vibration syndrome
  87. reportable
  88. filter
  89. Assessment of Repetitive Tasks tool (ART)
  90. risk assessment worksheets
  91. Upper limb disorders in the workplace
  92. MAC tool (Manual handling assessment charts)
  93. psychosocial risk factors.
  94. reduce the risk
  95. advice about upper limb disorders
  96. workers
  97. legal duties
  98. Manual handling at work: A brief guide
  99. Managing upper limb disorders in the workplace
  100. Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC tool)
  101. Risk assessment of pushing and pulling (RAPP) tool
  102. Assessment of repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool)
  103. Display screen equipment (DSE)
  104. Manual handling at work

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