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Risk factors associated with pushing and pulling loads

There are a number of risk factors associated with pushing and pulling of loads, which can be categorised into Task, Individual, Load and Environment (TILE). The following are some risk factors within these categories that could contribute to a pushing and pulling related injury. You should consider these risk factors when carrying out your risk assessments.


  • Large amounts of effort are required to start or stop the load moving or to keep it moving.
  • The risk increases over longer distances or at high speed.
  • Obstacles can create risks as workers try to avoid colliding with them.
  • The worker needs to move suddenly or twist to manoeuvre the load.
  • Repetitive pushing and pulling without sufficient recovery time.
  • The position of the hands should be comfortable for the worker. They are best positioned between hip and shoulder height.
  • The worker has to push or pull the load with only one hand.


  • Workers have different characteristics and capabilities. For example, a tall worker may have to adopt an awkward posture to push a trolley with low handles, while a shorter worker may have difficulty seeing over the load.
  • Individual factors such as pregnancy may temporarily reduce the amount of force a worker can safely handle.
  • The task may require unusual capability. If this is the case, think about who should carry out the task and how.
  • Specialised training or instruction may be needed.
  • The task may pose a risk to those with a physical or learning difficulty, or to new and young workers.


  • Consider the weight of the load and the weight of the equipment being used by the worker.
  • Good handholds will help apply force and control the load.
  • Ensure the load is sufficiently stable for negotiating any slopes, corners or rough surfaces.
  • Plan the route and ensure the worker can safely see over the load.
  • Check if the route is wide enough for the load and wheeled equipment.
  • Wheeled equipment needs suitable and well-maintained wheels or castors. Any brakes need to be effective.


  • Steep slopes and rough surfaces can increase the amount of force required to push/pull a load.
  • Environmental factors such as temperature, lighting and air currents can increase the risks of pushing/pulling.
  • Floor surfaces that are clean and dry can help reduce the force needed to move a load.
  • Lack of space can force the worker to adopt awkward postures.
  • Handling in confined spaces and narrow passages/doorways could cause a trapping/abrasion injury.

As well as the above, there are other factors which should be considered:


  • Ensure the correct equipment is provided for the task and it is fit for purpose.
  • There should be a maintenance programme and a well-promoted fault-reporting system.
  • Ensure that the wheels suit the flooring and environment, eg are the wheels on the device suited to a hot environment or carpets?
  • Look at the handle height in relation to the different users as this can be a risk factor for their posture. Vertical or sloped handles may help.
  • If the equipment has no brakes or poor/ineffective brakes it could be difficult to stop.
  • Is posture hindered by personal protective equipment? If so, is it really needed or can the task be done in a different way?

Work organisation and psychosocial factors

  • These affect the worker's psychological reaction to work and the environment, eg high workload demands, short deadlines and lack of control over working methods.
  • Poor communication between managers and employees can lead to an unhappy workforce which could have an effect on production.
  • Organisational 'change' can affect the motivation of the workforce.

Link URLs in this page

  1. MSDs
  2. Back pain
  3. Upper limb disorders
  4. Lower limb disorders
  5. Display screen equipment (DSE)
  6. Manual handling at work
  7. Overview - MSD toolkit
  8. Overview - MAC tool
  9. Introduction to MAC
  10. Development
  11. Score sheet
  12. Overview - Lifting
  13. Lifting from pallet video
  14. Lifting creels of wire video
  15. Lifting control measures
  16. Overview - Carrying
  17. Carrying from conveyor video
  18. Carrying task in pastry factory video
  19. Carrying control measures
  20. Overview - Team handling
  21. Team handling pallet video
  22. Team handling container video
  23. Team handling control measures
  24. Psychosocial risk factors
  25. Individual differences
  26. MAC assessment tips
  27. MAC FAQ
  28. Overview - V-MAC
  29. Advantages and limitations
  30. What you need to know
  31. How to use the V-MAC
  32. Which jobs and workers to assess
  33. Entering data
  34. What does the V-MAC tell you?
  35. Values in the summary table
  36. Recording and using
  37. Worked examples
  38. V-MAC FAQs
  39. Overview - ART tool
  40. What is the ART tool
  41. Overview - Learning to use the ART tool
  42. Preparation
  43. Risk factors
  44. Observation
  45. Overview - Making an assessment
  46. Task descriptions
  47. Overview - Assessment guide
  48. A. Frequency and repetition of movements
  49. B. Force
  50. C. Awkward postures
  51. D. Additional factors
  52. Score sheet
  53. A walkthrough
  54. Overview - Try it out
  55. Book binding
  56. Jogging sheets
  57. Collating papers
  58. Whisky carton assembly
  59. Croissant curling
  60. Overview - Analysis and actions
  61. What the scores mean
  62. Analysing task rotation
  63. Overview - Taking action
  64. Repetition
  65. Force
  66. Posture
  67. Duration
  68. Physical environment
  69. Psychosocial issues
  70. Art Tool Resources
  71. Frequently asked questions
  72. Overview - RAPP tool
  73. Push/pull risks
  74. Push/pull risk assessment
  75. The law
  76. Health monitoring
  77. Workers
  78. Resources
  79. More information on psychosocial issues
  80. Manual handling at work: A brief guide
  81. Managing upper limb disorders in the workplace
  82. Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC tool)
  83. Risk assessment of pushing and pulling (RAPP) tool
  84. Assessment of repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool)
  85. Display screen equipment (DSE)
  86. Manual handling at work

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Updated 2020-03-21