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What does the V-MAC tell you?

What's on the output tabs?

A load weight/frequency graph

This is based on the load weight/frequency graph in the MAC. It has been flipped round and scaled.

Blank load weight/frequency graph

Vertical bars on the graph summarising the data you have entered

  • These are calculated and appear automatically. The screen grab below is from the first worked example. The tall coloured bars are 'summary bars' that tell you about the overall demands of the job. The smaller pale blue bars and the values above them show the numbers of items handled in 1 kg steps.
  • Vertical bars on the graph summarising the data you have entered

    A shift length box

    This is for you to enter the actual shift length (in hours and minutes). The boundaries of the graph move to take account of the shift length.

    A summary table

    • This helps you to identify the aspects of the job that increase the risk. It is colour coded to identify each summary bar and shows you its height and colour band.
    • The overall risk is shown by the overall colour band/score at the bottom of the summary table. This is what you should enter into the interactive MAC score sheet[79] before carrying on with the rest of a MAC assessment[80]. Only the overall risk has a score as well as a colour band.
    • Just below the Overall colour band/score line in the summary table, you will find the total load, the total number of carries, and the total carry distance.
    • Here's the summary table from the first worked example.

    Summary table from first worked example

    There is more detailed information about interpreting the summary table below and in the FAQs[81].

    An explanation of the colour bands

    They are the same as in the MAC[82] and indicate risk level: Your aim should be to reduce the risks by moving risk levels towards the 'Green' colour band.

    Colour band What it means Action to take
    white P in a purple box Very high level of risk
    Such operations may represent a serious risk of injury and should come under close scrutiny.
    Eliminate these lifting operations as the highest priority.

    white R in a red box

    High level of risk - Prompt action needed
    This may expose a significant proportion of the working population to risk of injury.
    Ask if you can:
    • Eliminate manual handling of these items?
    • Reduce the item weights?
    • Reduce the number of lifts per day of these items?
    If any of the summary value bars fall into this zone, take prompt action to reduce the overall load handled.

    white A in an orange box

    Medium level of risk - Examine tasks closely Ask if you can:
    • Reduce the item weights?
    • Reduce the number of lifts per day of these items?

    white G on a green background

    Low level of risk Consider the vulnerability of special risk groups (such as pregnant women, or young workers) where appropriate.

    How to interpret the data - first look at the weights of individual loads

    The V-MAC takes the weights you enter and rounds them to the nearest kilogram. It then plots them on the graph so the height of each bar represents the number of times that a particular weight is handled in a shift. The number of lifts of that weight is shown above each bar.

    Number of lifts shown above each bar

    Think about the risks from these individual loads first. Start with the heaviest weight and ask what it is and why it is being handled in the way it is.

    Then ask if you can, as far as is reasonably practicable:

    • Eliminate the manual handling of these items?
    • Mechanise the handling?
    • Make the loads lighter, perhaps by splitting them?

    Use the Excel workbook to ask 'What if …?' questions and to see the effect on the graph. For example, if someone handles 300 items weighing 30 kg, you might decide to replace them with 600 items each weighing 15 kg. That would make individual loads lighter but increase the total number of lifts the worker carries out.

    Once you have looked at the heaviest weight, work from right to left across the graph so you look at the next heaviest weight until you reach the 'Green' zone.

    Start with heaviest weight and work left across the chart

    How to interpret the data - use the summary bars to look at the overall demands of the job

    After looking at the individual loads, you should look at the summary bars on the graph and in the summary table.

    Link URLs in this page

    1. MSDs
    2. Back pain
    3. Upper limb disorders
    4. Lower limb disorders
    5. Display screen equipment (DSE)
    6. Manual handling at work
    7. Overview - MSD toolkit
    8. Overview - MAC tool
    9. Introduction to MAC
    10. Development
    11. Score sheet
    12. Overview - Lifting
    13. Lifting from pallet video
    14. Lifting creels of wire video
    15. Lifting control measures
    16. Overview - Carrying
    17. Carrying from conveyor video
    18. Carrying task in pastry factory video
    19. Carrying control measures
    20. Overview - Team handling
    21. Team handling pallet video
    22. Team handling container video
    23. Team handling control measures
    24. Psychosocial risk factors
    25. Individual differences
    26. MAC assessment tips
    27. MAC FAQ
    28. Overview - V-MAC
    29. Advantages and limitations
    30. What you need to know
    31. How to use the V-MAC
    32. Which jobs and workers to assess
    33. Entering data
    34. What does the V-MAC tell you?
    35. Values in the summary table
    36. Recording and using
    37. Worked examples
    38. V-MAC FAQs
    39. Overview - ART tool
    40. What is the ART tool
    41. Overview - Learning to use the ART tool
    42. Preparation
    43. Risk factors
    44. Observation
    45. Overview - Making an assessment
    46. Task descriptions
    47. Overview - Assessment guide
    48. A. Frequency and repetition of movements
    49. B. Force
    50. C. Awkward postures
    51. D. Additional factors
    52. Score sheet
    53. A walkthrough
    54. Overview - Try it out
    55. Book binding
    56. Jogging sheets
    57. Collating papers
    58. Whisky carton assembly
    59. Croissant curling
    60. Overview - Analysis and actions
    61. What the scores mean
    62. Analysing task rotation
    63. Overview - Taking action
    64. Repetition
    65. Force
    66. Posture
    67. Duration
    68. Physical environment
    69. Psychosocial issues
    70. Art Tool Resources
    71. Frequently asked questions
    72. Overview - RAPP tool
    73. Push/pull risks
    74. Push/pull risk assessment
    75. The law
    76. Health monitoring
    77. Workers
    78. Resources
    79. the interactive MAC score sheet
    80. MAC assessment
    81. FAQs
    82. MAC
    83. Previous page: Entering data into the V-MAC
    84. Next page: Values in the summary table and what they mean
    85. MAC tool
    86. ART tool

    Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

    Manual handling assessment chart tool
    Assessment of Repetitive Tasks

    Is this page useful?

    Updated: 2025-02-18