Learning to use the ART tool
This section will help you to learn how to use the ART tool which is available to download (PDF) [79].
For more background information on upper limb disorders download the HSE guidance Upper limb disorders in the workplace (HSG60)[80].
It is suggested that you print off a copy of the ART tool to refer to.
Solutions from HSE training
HSE's Science Division runs various training activities throughout the year, including courses on upper limb disorders and the ART tool.
All training courses are available Solutions from HSE[81].
Before starting the assessment, it is important to prepare and consider several things[82].
When observing[83] a repetitive task, it helps to break the task down and look at its task elements.
Risk factors
There are a number of risk factors to consider[84] as part of the process.
Making an assessment
How to collect the information needed to make an assessment[85] including:
- Task descriptions[86]
- Assessment guide[87]
- Score sheet[88]
Follow this step by step walkthrough[89] showing how ART is used to assess a repetitive gingerbread packing task.
Try it out
In this section you can watch videos of repetitive tasks and use these to practise making assessments with the ART tool. We hope this will help you to learn how to use the ART tool before trying it out in the workplace[90].