Assessment guide
The assessment is split into four stages. Hover over each stage of the flow chart for a description.
Flow chart
A. Frequency and repetition of the movements
The frequency and repetition of the movements.
B. Force applied by the worker
The amount of force applied by the worker.
C. Awkward posture
Awkward postures of the neck, back, arm, wrist, and hand.
D. Additional factors
Additional factors, such as breaks, work pace, duration and other factors.
All together ART assesses 12 risk factors that are common in repetitive work. The level of risk (colour) of each risk factor is determined by following the instructions in the assessment guide.
- G = GREEN Low level of risk
- A = AMBER Medium level of risk - Examine task closely
- R = RED High level of risk - Prompt action needed
Ideally a task would involve only green colour bands (low levels of risk). In practice this is not usually possible and many tasks may have a combination of green, amber and red scores. Where there are several factors with red and amber scores, these tasks may need to be addressed more urgently. The levels of risk (colours) are determined by following the instructions for each stage of the assessment guide:
- Frequency and repetition of movements[79]
- Force[80]
- Awkward postures[81]
- Additional factors[82]