MAC tool interactive score sheet
Guidelines for users
This interactive version of the MAC score sheet will enable you to enter the colour bands on your computer. It will then automatically total the respective scores from the colour bands and allow you to save this rather than keeping a paper copy. Below are some guidelines on how to use the interactive score sheet.
- Enter the company name and description of task.
- Tick any of the relevant high-risk indication boxes applicable to this task.
- List any significant psychosocial factors, eg high workloads, tight deadlines, lack of control over the work and working methods.
- Check whether you need to do a full risk assessment. If you do, you can go to the online checklists (PDF) [79].
- At the table (which is the same as the one in the paper copy of the MAC) enter the colour band letter for each risk factor in the appropriate column. If you are using the V-MAC alongside the MAC, enter the overall colour band letter from the V-MAC summary table into the load weight/frequency box.
- The score sheet will enter the colour and the score and will automatically add up the scores once the colour band letters are entered.
- List any control measures you can take to reduce the risk.
- You will then have options to print or save the score sheet using the toolbar at the top.
Download an interactive copy of the MAC tool score sheet[80]