What your H & S committee will do
A committee meeting gives you the opportunity to discuss with your employee representatives the general matters about which you must consult your workforce[110].
To ensure you cover all relevant issues, the committee should agree some standing items for the agenda and allow for other items to be added as necessary. Consider standing items such as:
- statistics on accident records, ill health, sickness absence;
- accident investigations and subsequent action;
- inspections of the workplace by enforcing authorities, management or employee health and safety representatives;
- risk assessments;
- health and safety training;
- emergency procedures; and
- changes in the workplace affecting the health, safety and welfare of employees.
If the health and safety committee is discussing accidents, the aim is to stop them happening again, not to give blame. Committees should:
- look at the facts in an impartial way
- consider what precautions might be taken
- recommend appropriate actions
- monitor progress with implementing the health and safety interventions.
Good practice
- Think about minor incidents[111] - when considering statistics on accident and injury records, examine information about minor injuries and incidents ...
- Address strategic issues[112] - to be effective, health and safety committees should address strategic issues...
- How to set up your H&S committee[113]
- How your H&S committee will work[114]
- Membership of your H&S committee[115]
- Frequency of meetings[116]
- Decision making [117]
- Committee resources[118]