How to involve your employees
- Consulting directly with employees[110]
- Consulting indirectly with employees [111]
- Where English is not the first language[112]
- Consulting with representatives[113]
The method you use to involve your employees will depend on:
- which regulations[114] apply to your workplace;
- whether you are involving individuals directly or consulting your employee representatives; and
- the specific health and safety issue you wish to consult on.
The different methods of consulting your employees include:
- face-to-face[115], directly with individuals;
- indirectly[116] with employees; and
- with representatives[117].
Use a range of methods to suit the circumstances and use a combination if a single method alone is not suitable. Whatever method you choose, you need to ensure it complies with your duties. For example, if you choose to consult with employees directly, you need to make sure it is practical otherwise you must consult with representatives.
You may also need to think how you will consult with people whose first language is not English[118].
Case study: The national probation service
Following a health and safety audit, a Worker Involvement scheme was introduced and a National Forum was established involving union safety representatives, management representatives and safety advisors. Short life working groups were set up to deliver each objectives. They also ensure that union safety reps are provided with facility time and appropriate training...
Read the national probation service case study
Good practice
- Different work patterns [120] - think about the different work patterns of the modern workplace...
- Preferences[121] - ask your employees or their representatives about their needs and preferences...