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There have been a number of studies into worker involvement. Both quantitative and qualitative research points in the same direction: involving workers in health and safety leads to healthier and safer workplaces and produces a range of benefits for workers and managers.

HSE has funded a number of research projects within the Olympic Delivery Authority's Learning Legacy programme. One report explores how leadership and worker involvement contributed to the low rates of accidents across the Park.

RoSPA report - Worker involvement in health and safety: what works?

This report presents the findings from open and honest discussion with a diverse range of businesses as well as detailed case studies. It offers the HSE valuable material to promote the benefits of worker involvement, which – as can be inferred from these stories – go much wider than health and safety.

Worker involvement in health and safety: what works? (PDF) [110]

Research reports

HSE Safe and sound at work – do your bit initiative

HSE, in association with a third party training provider, Premier Partnership, delivered two subsidised training courses as part of the "Safe and Sound at work – do your bit" initiative.

The original objectives for the training, which ran from April 2010 to March 2011, were to:

  • deliver Worker Involvement training to 2400 Representatives of Employee Safety (RoES) working in small to medium sized, non-unionised GB workplaces in the construction, manufacturing, motor vehicle repair and transport sectors across GB ; and,
  • deliver facilitated joint safety representative and first line manager workshops in 80 organisations across a variety of sectors in both unionised and non-unionised GB workplaces.

We are pleased to say the objectives were exceeded with over 2400 RoES taking part from over 800 non-unionised workplaces in the target sectors identified.

The joint training of safety representatives and their first line managers workshops trained both these groups together to help secure a more collaborative approach to health and safety. The initial target of delivery to a minimum of 80 organisations was exceeded. 206 workshops were delivered to 120 organisations. Single day workshops were the most popular, especially when framed around a specific risk or topic.

A full independent evaluation[122] of the impact of the courses is available.

Visit the HSE 'do your bit'[123] website for more information on the initiative. (links to the National Archives)

The Workers' Safety Adviser Challenge Fund

The Workers' Safety Adviser (WSA) Challenge Fund was launched on 26 March 2004 and closed in March 2007. The aim of the fund was to inspire organisations to collaborate on projects that encourage and promote employees and their employers to work together to drive improvements in managing health and safety. The scheme focuses on small businesses and organizations that lack such arrangements.

WSA Pilot Report

The Noise and Vibration Worker Involvement Project

HSC Paper MISC/08/05 - Report on the Noise and Vibration Worker Involvement Project (PDF) [130] (From The National Archive[131]).

Link URLs in this page

  1. Worker involvement
  2. The basics
  3. Health and safety representative
  4. Overview - Prepare
  5. Talk to your employees
  6. Facts and figures
  7. Overview - What the law says
  8. Which regulations apply
  9. 1977 regulations
  10. 1996 regulations
  11. Both regulations
  12. Employment protection
  13. Overview - Gain commitment
  14. How to encourage employees to be health and safety representatives
  15. Overview - Union-appointed reps
  16. Represent
  17. Attend training courses
  18. Contact with inspectors
  19. Workforce-elected reps
  20. Overview - Elections for representatives
  21. How many representatives?
  22. How often will elections take place?
  23. Encourage and involve employees
  24. Fair and open election
  25. Overview - Prepare-good practice tips
  26. Consult your workforce
  27. Joint involvement
  28. Don't decide for your workers
  29. Reflect diversity
  30. Train your reps
  31. Give it time
  32. Shared perspective
  33. Overview - Plan
  34. Factors to consider
  35. Overview - What to consult about
  36. A competent person
  37. Risk assessments
  38. When to consult
  39. Overview - Training
  40. Training Providers
  41. Planning checklist
  42. Overview - Plan-good practice tips
  43. Scope of consultation
  44. Consult employees
  45. Provide feedback
  46. Address health issues
  47. Involve employees
  48. Overview - Consult
  49. Overview - What your duties are
  50. Allow paid time off
  51. Provide facilities and assistance
  52. Provide information
  53. Overview - How to involve your employees
  54. Consulting directly with employees
  55. Consulting indirectly with employees
  56. Where English is not the first language
  57. Overview - Consulting with representatives
  58. Investigating accidents, hazards and complaints
  59. Inspections of the workplace
  60. Overview - Set up a H&S Committee
  61. How to set up your H&S committee
  62. How your H&S committee will work
  63. Membership of your H&S committee
  64. More about membership
  65. Frequency of meetings
  66. What your H&S committee will do
  67. Decision making
  68. What resources will be needed
  69. Overview - Consult-good practice tips
  70. Recognise the role
  71. Different work patterns
  72. Preferences
  73. Involve the representative
  74. Plan a programme of inspections
  75. Agree the number of representatives
  76. Inspect together
  77. Consult specialists
  78. Break down tasks
  79. Involve a variety of people
  80. Think about minor incidents
  81. Plan meetings in advance
  82. Communicate
  83. Keep the date
  84. Address strategic issues
  85. Agreements
  86. Disagreements
  87. Overview - Improve
  88. Monitoring performance
  89. Reviewing progress
  90. Meet the challenges
  91. Review checklist
  92. Overview - Improve-good practice tips
  93. Signs of success
  94. Seek help
  95. Overview - Resources
  96. Publications
  97. Overview - Case studies
  98. Devonport Docks
  99. Overcoming challenges
  100. BT Group plc
  101. Springfield Fuels
  102. UCATT North-West
  103. University of Leeds
  104. Bristol City Council
  105. Research
  106. Lord McKenzie speech
  107. Overview - Videos
  108. Judith Hackitt
  109. Useful links
  110. Worker involvement in health and safety: what works?
  111. RR580 - Using Soft People Skills to Improve Worker Involvement in Health and Safety
  112. RR581 - HSE Better Backs 2006: Worker Involvement Evaluation Research with Unite Amicus Safety Representatives
  113. RR516 - An investigation of approaches to worker engagement
  114. HSL/2005/41 - Workforce Participation in Occupational Health & Safety Management in non-unionised Workplaces
  115. HSL/2005/52 - Workforce Participation in Occupational Health & Safety Management at FMC Technologies Ltd, Dunfermline
  116. RR363 - The role and effectiveness of safety representatives in influencing workplace health and safety
  117. RR296 - Obstacles preventing employee involvement in health and safety
  118. WPS/00/03 - Employee involvement in health and safety: Some examples of good practice
  119. HSL/2005/09 - Workforce participation in the management of occupational health and safety
  120. CRR 2001/321 - The impact of trade union education and training in health and safety on the workplace activity of health and safety representatives
  121. HuSU/2014/17 - An exploration of the current effectiveness of worker engagement practices in the quarry industry
  122. independent evaluation
  123. 'do your bit'
  124. The Worker Safety Advisers (WSA) pilot (RR144)
  125. Workers' Safety Adviser (WSA) Challenge Fund evaluation report
  126. HSC Paper HSC/06/88
  127. The National Archive
  128. HSC November 2006 minutes
  129. The National Archive
  130. HSC Paper MISC/08/05 - Report on the Noise and Vibration Worker Involvement Project
  131. The National Archive
  132. Consulting employees on health and safety: A brief guide to the law INDG232(rev1)
  133. Involving your workforce in health and safety: Good practice for workplaces HSG263

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