Involving your workforce in health and safety

Guidance for all workers

Date of publication:
December 2015
Series code:
HSG263 (First edition with amendments)

This guide is mainly aimed at medium to large employers. It will help them in their legal duty to consult and involve their employees on health and safety matters. Small businesses may find the guidance helpful, particularly the case studies. Employees, their health and safety representatives and trade unions may also find the guide useful.

The guide concentrates on examples of how to comply with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (as amended), and the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 (as amended).

The guide is designed to clearly distinguish different types of information so you can find the parts that are relevant for you. References to the regulations are colour-coded.

This version has been updated to clarify examples of how to comply with the Regulations and to update links and references to other guidance.  

Link URLs in this page

  1. Download a free copy - HSG263
  2. Consulting workers on health and safety
  3. Consulting employees on health and safety: A brief guide to the law
  4. Leading health and safety at work
  5. Consulting and involving your workers
  6. Vulnerable workers
  7. HSE Books +44 (0)333 202 5070
  8. Translated leaflets
  9. Legislation
  10. Statistics
  11. Science and Research
  12. Subscribe - news and updates

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Updated: 2023-09-19