Meet the challenges
There may be times when:
- you and your employees or their representatives disagree about health and safety issues; or
- health and safety issues are sometimes used as a substitute for other workplace relations issues because consulting and involving your employees is linked to wider employment relations.
You should have agreed processes in place to deal with disagreements, and wherever possible you should use these procedures to resolve any issues. If you and your employees need more help to reach agreement you can:
- involve regional or national trade union officials if you recognise trade unions;
- approach your trade association for advice if you belong to one; and
- contact the Arbitration and Conciliation Service (ACAS[110]).
Health and Safety Inspectors can only advise on health and safety matters. They cannot arbitrate in workplace disputes between you and your employees.
Good practice
- Seek help[111] - if things do become challenging, seek help and assistance as soon as possible...
- Review progress[112]
- Monitor performance[113]