Link URLs in this page
- Worker involvement
- The basics
- Health and safety representative
- Overview - Prepare
- Talk to your employees
- Facts and figures
- Overview - What the law says
- Which regulations apply
- 1977 regulations
- 1996 regulations
- Both regulations
- Employment protection
- Overview - Gain commitment
- How to encourage employees to be health and safety representatives
- Overview - Union-appointed reps
- Represent
- Attend training courses
- Contact with inspectors
- Workforce-elected reps
- Overview - Elections for representatives
- How many representatives?
- How often will elections take place?
- Encourage and involve employees
- Fair and open election
- Overview - Prepare-good practice tips
- Consult your workforce
- Joint involvement
- Don't decide for your workers
- Reflect diversity
- Train your reps
- Give it time
- Shared perspective
- Overview - Plan
- Factors to consider
- Overview - What to consult about
- A competent person
- Risk assessments
- When to consult
- Overview - Training
- Training Providers
- Planning checklist
- Overview - Plan-good practice tips
- Scope of consultation
- Consult employees
- Provide feedback
- Address health issues
- Involve employees
- Overview - Consult
- Overview - What your duties are
- Allow paid time off
- Provide facilities and assistance
- Provide information
- Overview - How to involve your employees
- Consulting directly with employees
- Consulting indirectly with employees
- Where English is not the first language
- Overview - Consulting with representatives
- Investigating accidents, hazards and complaints
- Inspections of the workplace
- Overview - Set up a H&S Committee
- How to set up your H&S committee
- How your H&S committee will work
- Membership of your H&S committee
- More about membership
- Frequency of meetings
- What your H&S committee will do
- Decision making
- What resources will be needed
- Overview - Consult-good practice tips
- Recognise the role
- Different work patterns
- Preferences
- Involve the representative
- Plan a programme of inspections
- Agree the number of representatives
- Inspect together
- Consult specialists
- Break down tasks
- Involve a variety of people
- Think about minor incidents
- Plan meetings in advance
- Communicate
- Keep the date
- Address strategic issues
- Agreements
- Disagreements
- Overview - Improve
- Monitoring performance
- Reviewing progress
- Meet the challenges
- Review checklist
- Overview - Improve-good practice tips
- Signs of success
- Seek help
- Overview - Resources
- Publications
- Overview - Case studies
- Devonport Docks
- Overcoming challenges
- BT Group plc
- Springfield Fuels
- UCATT North-West
- University of Leeds
- Bristol City Council
- Research
- Lord McKenzie speech
- Overview - Videos
- Judith Hackitt
- Useful links
- Downloadable version of this video [MPEG 4.8MB]