Consult and involve
Once you have decided how your workforce will be represented, and considered all the issues you need to cover, you are ready to begin the process of consultation and involvement.
This section provides practical advice on ways to consult and involve your employees or their representatives. It explains:
- what your duties are[110] when consulting representatives
- ways to involve your employees[111]
- how to set up a Health and Safety Committee[112] and make it work well.
We show you how to consult your employees face-to-face, indirectly and through representatives, and what to do for employees whose first language is not English.
Case study: Springfield fuels
Springfield Fuels, a nuclear fuel fabrication facility, ensures everyone on site is involved when making decisions about their employees' health and wellbeing. Their partnership approach has resulted in joint working groups, joint accident investigations and other effective initiatives because they recognise that everyone has a part to play...
Read the Springfield fuels case study[113]
Good practice - consult
Throughout this site we tell you what you need to do to involve your workforce. You'll also find good practice tips - gathered from the experience of people in other organisations - that show you how you can prepare, plan, consult and improve. Here are some good practice tips for the consultation[114] stage.