Why talk to your employees about health and safety?
Workplaces where employees are involved in taking decisions about health and safety are safer and healthier. Your employees influence health and safety through their own actions. They are often the best people to understand the risks in their workplace. Talking, listening and co-operating with each other can help you to:
- identify joint solutions to problems;
- develop a positive health and safety culture where risks are managed sensibly;
- reduce accidents and ill health, plus their related costs to your business;
- bring about improvements in overall efficiency, quality and productivity;
- meet customer demands and maintain credibility; and
- comply with legal requirements.
Benefits of worker involvement
People who feel valued and involved in decision-making play a big part in a high-performing workplace. Empowering your workforce, giving them the right skills, and getting them involved in making decisions shows them that you take their health, safety and well-being seriously. They raise concerns and offer solutions.
Other benefits include:
- lower accident rates;
- a more positive health and safety climate;
- greater awareness of workplace risks; and
- better control of workplace risks.
Read what researchers have found about the benefits of worker involvement[110].
Case study: Devonport Docks
Devonport Royal Dockyard committed to changing their health and safety culture using a number of initiatives to get the whole workforce involved in managing health and safety issues, ranging from working at height to radiation...
Read the Devonport Docks case study[111]
- What the law says[112]
- How to gain commitment[113]