Research reports 401-500
- RR401 - The properties of extreme waves[12] (2005)
- RR402 - Natural ventilation of offshore modules[13]
- RR403 - Perceptions of the cost implications of health and safety failures[14]
- RR404 - Pulse pressure testing of ¼ scale blast wall panels with connections - Phase II[15]
- RR405 - Design, materials and connections for blast-loaded structures[16]
- RR406 - Seatbelt performance in quarry vehicle incidents[17]
- RR408 - Genetic variation in susceptibility to chronic effects of organophosphate exposure[18]
- RR409 - High pressure, high temperature developments in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf[19]
- RR410 - Occupational Health and Safety Support System for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - a Literature Review[20]
- RR411 - Testing and standards for rock reinforcement consumables[21]
- RR413 - Investigation of design options for the Workplace Health and Safety Survey[22]
- RR414 - Health and safety responsibilities of company directors and management board members: 2001, 2003 and 2005 surveys[23]
- RR415 - Weather safety in the North West approaches - An implementation test using satellite data in assessing wave energy dynamics[24]
- RR416 - Information to accompany patients undergoing nuclear medicine procedures[25]
- RR417 - Measuring the effect of health and safety advisers and roving safety representatives in agriculture[26]
- RR418 - Local authority health and safety enforcement officer's perceptions of their support, information and training needs (SITNA)[27]
- RR419 - Evidence base for identifying potential failures in the specification, use and maintenance of PPE at work[28]
- RR420 - The demographics of children living and/or working on farms in Great Britain[29]
- RR421 - Organisational dynamics and safety culture in UK train operating companies[30]
- RR422 - Developing guidelines for the selection of designers and contractors under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994[31]
- RR423 - Exploring the influences of farming women and families on worker health and safety[32]
- RR424 - Performance of diving equipment[33]
- RR425 - Modelling the PSA1 indicator[34]
- RR426 - A methodology to prioritise substances for possible further development of Acute Exposure Threshold Levels (AETLs)[35]
- RR427 - Moisture levels in compressed breathing air[36]
- RR428 - Aircraft turnround: the impact of HSG209 and emerging good practice[37]
- RR429 - Structural Reliability Framework for floating production, storage and offloading vessels/floating surface units Phase II[38]
- RR430 - Offshore gas turbines (and major driven equipment) integrity and inspection guidance notes[39]
- RR431 - A business case for the Management Standards for stress[40]
- RR432 - Operator roll-over protection on small vehicles[41]
- RR433 - Safety implications of TOFD for in-manufacture inspections[42]
- RR434 - Axial fatigue tests on wire rope slings used for offshore containers[43]
- RR435 - Improved simplified response methods to blast loading[44]
- RR436 - Formal risk identification in professional SCUBA (FRIPS)[45]
- RR437 - The underlying causes of falls from vehicles associated with slip and trip hazards on steps and floors[46]
- RR438 - Routes of referral for occupational asthma[47]
- RR439 - A review of carbon monoxide incident information for 2003/04: Produced from the full investigation of incidents which had resulted from the use of piped natural gas and LPG within Great Britain[48]
- RR440 - Violence and aggression management training for trainers and managers[49]
- RR441 - Cross contamination of metal working fluid systems[50]
- RR443 - An analysis of the significant causes of fatal and major injuries in construction in Scotland[51]
- RR444 - Floating production system: JIP FPS mooring integrity[52]
- RR445 - An evaluation of chemical disinfecting agents used in endoscopy suites in the NHS[53]
- RR446 - The development of a fatigue / risk index for shiftworkers[54]
- RR447 - Fast rescue craft recovery by installation crane: Phase 2 study[55]
- RR448 - Complex and contentious risk based decision-making in the field of health, safety and the environment Comparative analysis of two UK examples[56]
- RR449 - Defining a case of work-related stress[57]
- RR450 - Case studies that identify and exemplify boards of directors who provide leadership and direction on occupational health and safety[58]
- RR451 - Directors' responsibilities for health and safety: the findings of two peer reviews of published research[59]
- RR452 - Development of an IIG/HSE e-learning health and safety risk education package for engineering undergraduates[60]
- RR453 - The risk to third parties from bored tunnelling in soft ground[61]
- RR454 - Probability of Detection (PoD) curves[62]
- RR456 - Fork lift truck validation and trials[63]
- RR457 - Specification of a Mathematical Model of a Water Reactive Pool based upon REACTPOOL[64]
- RR458 - The global perspective in addressing construction risks[65]
- RR459 - Use of 3D Seismic data as a substitute for high-resolution seismic surveys for site investigation[66]
- RR460 - Trends in inhalation exposure mid 1980s till present[67]
- RR461 - Comparison of the Hatfield and alternative UK rails using models to assess the effect of residual stress on crack growth from rolling contact fatigue[68]
- RR462 - Client/contractor relationships in managing health and safety on projects[69]
- RR463 - Avoiding structural collapses in refurbishment: A decision support system[70]
- RR464 - Identifying and evaluating the social and psychological impact of workplace accidents and ill-health incidents on employees[71]
- RR467 - The commercial case for applying CDM[72]
- RR468 - Nonlinear potential flow forcing:the ringing of concrete gravity based structures[73]
- RR469 - Lay conceptualisations of occupational disease[74]
- RR470 - Coal mine dust as a benchmark for standards for other poorly soluble dusts[75]
- RR471 - A literature review of the effects of environment microclimatic conditions on the slip potential for flooring[76]
- RR473 - Review of issues associated with the stability of semi-submersibles[77]
- RR474 - The true cost of occupational asthma in Great Britain[78]
- RR 475 - The development of a 'female' form manikin as part of a test facility to assess the fire protection afforded by personal protective equipment[79]
- RR 476 - An evaluation of the Controlling the risks in the workplace[80]
- RR477 - Review of the level of accuracy required and means of demonstrating that accuracy for approval of dosimetry services by the Health and Safety Executive[81]
- RR478 - Evaluating the stability requirements for mounting and dismounting from the top of leaning ladders[82]
- RR479 - Temporary threshold shifts as indicators of hand-arm vibration exposure[83]
- RR480 - The use of mass media interventions for health care messages about back pain[84]
- RR481 - Recommended practice for magnetic flux leakage inspection of atmospheric storage tank floors[85]
- RR482 - Further development of an IIG/HSE e-learning health and safety risk education package for engineering undergraduates[86]
- RR483 - Survey of tools and resources available to employers to manage, record and monitor sickness absence[87]
- RR484 - Response spectra for explosion resistant design and assessment[88]
- RR485 - Elastomeric seals for rapid gas decompression applications in high-pressure services[89]
- RR486 - Assessing the effectiveness of the manual handling assessment chart (MAC) and supporting website[90]
- RR487 Evaluation of performance deterioration in compacted strand wire ropes[91]
- RR488 - Investigation of the links between psychological ill-health, stress and safety[92]
- RR489 - Structural strengthening of offshore topsides structures as part of explosion risk reduction methods[93]
- RR490 - Further development of health and safety performance management index[94]
- RR491 Cost benefit studies that support tackling musculoskeletal disorders[95]
- RR492 Standard unmanned testing procedures for open-circuit 'Octopus' systems[96]
- RR493 - The costs and benefits of active case management and rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders[97]
- RR494 - The significance of stress redistribution effects on structural reliability of deepwater jackets[98]
- RR495 - Violence management training: The development of effective trainers in the delivery of violence management training in healthcare settings[99]
- RR496 - Isocyanate exposure, emission and control in small motor vehicle repair premises using spray rooms: Phase 1[100]
- RR497 - A study of the slip characteristics of applied epoxy resin flooring and thin coat epoxy base materials[101]
- RR 498 - Development of a modelling tool for pesticide spray drift - Phase 1: Data gathering and feasibility testing[102]
- RR499 - Case studies that identify and exemplify Boards of Directors who provide leadership and direction on occupational health and safety[103]
- RR500 - Manual handling incidents database A compilation and analysis of offshore industry reports[104]