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RR452 - Development of an IIG/HSE e-learning health and safety risk education package for engineering undergraduates

This report describes work coordinated by the author, with substantial input from Logica CMG, to develop outline proposals to "proof of concept" stage for an e-learning package to teach undergraduate engineers of all disciplines, key concepts relating to health and safety risks. It is based on outline teaching material developed previously by a sub-group of the Inter-institutional Group on Health, Safety and Risk, chaired by the author.

Three "layers" of material are proposed. The first is a simulation of a team of three young engineers undertaking a range of projects as part of their graduate training with a major company. In carrying out these projects, they address and discuss the identified issues. The second "layer" would consist of briefing material, interactive exercises and assessments. The third "layer", would be accessible from the package of material proposed, but would be populated by university departments to meet their specific needs.

The proposals have been presented to a wide range of stakeholders, including Engineering Institutions, Universities and the Higher Education Academy (HEA) Engineering Subject Centre, the Engineering Council (UK), the Engineering Professors' Council and three industrial companies. The approach has received broad support, with useful feedback to inform a further phase of development. It is recommended that this should involve the production of a representative sample of the proposed material for further discussion with potential funding organisations and others and to resolve outstanding issues.

Visit the RR452 report (PDF) [12]

A Powerpoint presentation outlining the proposed approach to the e-learning package is also available upon request.

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Updated 2021-04-20