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HSE coronavirus (COVID-19) science and research

HSE scientific evidence and research on COVID-19 is helping to improve understanding of how to control the risks of virus transmission in workplaces and other settings. It is used to inform decision making by HSE policymakers and wider government.

HSE COVID-19 evidence summaries

The national and global scientific evidence base about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus continues to develop. HSE has carried out evidence summaries using the best available evidence at the time they were completed to inform the COVID-19 response. Subsequent guidance and advice may therefore have been updated.

Evidence summaries published

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)

The UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)[18] provides scientific and technical advice to support government decision makers during emergencies. SAGE is currently chaired by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, and co-chaired by the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty. The advice provided by SAGE does not represent official government policy.

HSE's Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Andrew Curran, is a participant in SAGE and co-chair of the SAGE Environmental Modelling Group. A full list of members is on the SAGE webpage on GOV.UK[19].

For papers prepared by the SAGE Environmental Modelling Group (EMG) please check the GOV.UK website[20].

COVID-19 national core studies

HSE is leading a COVID-19 national core study[21] on the transmission of COVID-19 in the environment, including in workplaces, transport and other public settings.

These scientific studies are funded by the UK government and are designed to answer essential policy and operational questions about the coronavirus pandemic. The findings will be published.

Further information on HSE science, engineering and research

For information on HSE's full range of science and research see our science and research webpages[22].

HSE's 2021 Annual Science Review[23] focuses on COVID-19: Collaboration in a time of crisis and provides case studies showing the benefits of HSE science and how our robust scientific evidence has been supporting the government’s response to the pandemic. We also look at HSE’s contribution to the evolving global evidence base and the routes we have used to share that knowledge.

For news about HSE science follow the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA), Professor Andrew Curran, on X using @CSA_HSE or see the X webpage[24].

Sign up to our ebulletin for research reports[25].

We review and update this page regularly to reflect any changes in guidance.

Page last reviewed: 28 February 2022

Next review due: 23 March 2022

Link URLs in this page

  1. Science and Evidence
  2. Annual Science Review
  3. Find a publication
  4. Science and Evidence FAQs
  5. Overview - Resources
  6. Research Report series
  7. Coronavirus research reports
  8. Workplace Health Expert Committee (WHEC)
  9. Insight research
  10. Shared research programme
  11. HSE: Innovation in Regulation
  12. RR1201 - Decontamination and re-use of FFP3 respirators
  13. Personal protective equipment in health care settings to manage risk during coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). HSE, 2020
  14. Transmission in meat processing factories
  15. COVID-19 testing and the workplace
  16. Long COVID - return to work
  17. Re-use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  18. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)
  19. SAGE webpage on GOV.UK
  20. GOV.UK website
  21. COVID-19 national core study
  22. science and research webpages
  23. HSE's 2021 Annual Science Review
  24. X webpage
  25. ebulletin for research reports
  26. Research Reports (RR)
  27. More resources
  28. Find a publication
  29. Research report series
  30. Annual Science Review
  31. HSE Buxton Laboratory
  32. Contract opportunities
  33. Statistics
  34. HSE jobs
  35. Chief Scientific Advisers
  36. Government Science and Engineering

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Updated 2023-12-04