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HSE: Innovation in Regulation

Following on from a commitment in the government's Productivity Plan[12], departments and their associated regulators are publishing documents showing how their approach to regulation supports innovation.

The documents set out how the UK regulatory framework is working effectively to support innovation and disruptive business models, and how regulators are using innovation to deliver their own work more effectively. They complement the government's approach to develop a modern Industrial Strategy for Britain[13].

The Health and Safety Executive: Innovation in Regulation (PDF) [14] document is now available to view.

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  8. Workplace Health Expert Committee (WHEC)
  9. Insight research
  10. Shared research programme
  11. HSE: Innovation in Regulation
  12. Productivity Plan
  13. Industrial Strategy for Britain
  14. Health and Safety Executive: Innovation in Regulation
  15. Research Reports (RR)
  16. Government Office for Science
  17. Natural Environmental Research Council NERC
  18. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC

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Updated 2023-08-14