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RR456 - Fork lift truck validation and trials

Frazer-Nash has developed, on behalf of the HSE, a parameterised model of a Fork-Lift Truck. The model can be used to simulate a Fork-Lift Truck performing steering manoeuvres at speed. The model inputs are the speed of the truck and the steering angle of the steered wheel(s) of the truck. From these inputs the simulation can be used to show whether a truck would be stable throughout a manoeuvre or whether the truck would rollover.

This report describes the validation work that has been carried out on the model. The validation work consists of the following activities:

  • Tyre tests for 4 different tyres.
  • Physical Fork-Lift truck trials, using an instrumented vehicle:
    • with 2 different trucks (one 3-wheel truck and one 4-wheel truck);
    • performing 7 different manoeuvres;
    • at up to 2 operating speeds.
  • Simulation of the trials based on the measured inputs to the truck.
  • Comparison of the outputs from the simulation with the outputs from the trial measurements.

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Updated 2021-04-20