RR405 - Design, materials and connections for blast-loaded structures
This project reviewed existing methodologies and a series of dynamic analyses of a range of problems was undertaken. A simplified tool for the analysis of response of a structure to blast was developed. This tool, named BlastSTAR, was used to carry out multiple analyses of simple structures which were loaded by blast type pulses of different geometries, durations and peak pressures. The tool uses the results of a static FE analysis in order to find the force-displacement and equivalent mass characteristics of an equivalent simplified system. The results of the analyses are then compared against non-linear full model FE analyses.
The results explored the maximum displacements obtained for multiple loading scenarios on a range of structures. The level of displacement is indicative of the level of damage arising from a particular pulse load, and can be used to predict levels of plastic strain in the structure. Calculations of the reaction forces at the supports as well as forces in the connections are also carried out and the results compared.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
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