RR481 - Recommended practice for magnetic flux leakage inspection of atmospheric storage tank floors
This Recommended Practice is designed to provide guidance on the use and capability data of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) scanning equipment for the inspection of atmospheric storage tank floors. It is aimed at inspection providers, inspection personnel, inspection planners, maintenance and operation engineers and asset managers. It was created as part of the project "Atmospheric Storage Tank Integrity - Magnetic Flux Floor Scanning, Establishment of Recommended Practice" carried out by Mitsui Babcock Energy Limited for the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE). A steering committee consisting of MFL inspection service providers, equipment manufacturers, end users, NDT consultants and the HSE provided background information; equipment details; guidance for practical trials and feedback for the Recommended Practice. Capability data was generated from trials by MFL inspection providers performed on representative floor plate samples with implanted defects. Statistical analysis of the trials results was performed by ESR Technology. The Recommended Practice was developed throughout the project and trialled during a formal tank inspection prior to being finalised.
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