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RR428 - Aircraft turnround: the impact of HSG209 and emerging good practice

This study is primarily concerned with reviewing the impact of Health and Safety Guidance 'HSG 209 Aircraft Turnround, A guide for airport and aerodrome operators, airlines and service providers on achieving control, co-operation and coordination' which was published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in Autumn 2000. In particular, HSE wish to determine the impact of the guidance in the aviation industry, identify any difficulties and collate current and good practice in aircraft turnround health and safety. A total of 16 interview sessions have been carried out (26 participants) at three airports using a bespoke question set structured according to the issues contained in HSG 209. These interviews involved airport operators, airlines and service providers. The findings of the study are grouped into: awareness of HSG 209; hazards and risks; responsibilities; management factors; attitudes and culture; impact of HSG 209; difficulties with HSG 209; and the need for further information / support. In terms of the impact of HSG 209, around one third of the sample felt that HSG 209 had made little or no difference while another third thought that the guidance had improved discussion and raised the profile of some aircraft turnround issues. It was found that companies are engaged in a number of measures to manage health and safety in aircraft turnround including standard setting, risk assessments and training. A total of seven recommendations are made as a result of the findings from this study.

This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.

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Updated 2021-04-20