RR487 - Evaluation of performance deterioration in compacted strand wire ropes
Compacted strand ropes are used by the offshore industry in a number of applications. The compacted strand construction offers improved performance compared with other stranded rope constructions, allowing its use for safety critical operations, including cranes and diving systems. However, previous work by Reading University, to evaluate the fatigue performance of galvanised compacted strand rope (HSE research project number 3422) and HSL, to evaluate the effects of variations in capping technique (HSE research project number 3596) had identified a potential deterioration in the mechanical properties of the rope over time. This deterioration occurred regardless of whether the rope was in service or storage during this time period. The rope manufacturer, was made aware of this problem and production of this type of rope was temporarily suspended while the problem was evaluated and manufacturing techniques revised. Production has now resumed using modified procedures. Field Engineering Section of the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) were requested by Mr J MacFarlane of Offshore Safety Division (OSD), HSE, to evaluate the extent of this problem. This investigation involved two sizes of rope, 25 mm and 32 mm diameter subjected to both dynamic and static loading.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
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