RR482 - Further development of an IIG/HSE e-learning health and safety risk education package for engineering undergraduates
This report describes work carried out jointly between the author, Logica CMG and the Health and Safety Laboratory to develop a 'sample' or 'demonstration' e-learning package to teach undergraduate engineers of all disciplines about the key concepts relating to health and safety risks. It is based on outline teaching material developed by a sub-group of the Inter-institutional Group on Health and Safety and on subsequent work carried out by the author and Logica CMG which has recently been published as a HSE Research Report (RR452 - see: http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrhtm/rr452.htm).
The eventual aim of the project is to produce a complete e-learning package containing core material on health and safety issues for the potential use of all engineering departments at UK universities. It should also meet requirements in this subject area to enable candidates to achieve chartered engineer status. The approach has been designed to be modular and flexible so that users can adapt it to their specific needs, whilst being interesting and enjoyable in use.
In the current phase of work (phase 3), key elements of the proposed final package have been assembled in such a way as to make the approach being taken clear to stakeholders so that feedback can be obtained and routes for further support identified and explored. This report describes the selection of topics used in the sample and the process involved in developing it. The sample is in the form of a CD and contains introductory material, a simulation and related tutorial material developed for learning in a 'gaming' context, and several illustrative examples of other interactive tutorial material.
The e-learning sample CD is also available upon request (subject to availability).
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