Roadside repair and recovery
People at work on the roadside either recovering or repairing motor vehicles, including tyre and windscreen replacement, are at risk from other road users. As many road traffic incidents (RTIs) are not reportable to the HSE, the exact number killed or injured is not recorded but there are several deaths from this work activity every year.
Roadside recovery and repair (RRR)[48]
Protection of workers and members of the public from traffic risks on public roads is mostly a matter for road traffic law, which is enforced by the Police and other Agencies. However, existing health and safety legislation also requires employers and self-employed persons to protect workers and safeguard others put at risk by their work activities.
For example
- safe systems of work should be devised to ensure the safety of workers and the occupants of vehicles being recovered/repaired
- vehicles and/or attachments eg winches, cranes etc may be subject to health and safety legislation, particularly those parts not covered by MOT examinations