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Injury statistics

This page provides information on injuries reported under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 to the HSE and Local Authorities.

Fatal injuries

Fatal injury rates* to workers** in Motor Vehicle Repair(MVR)*** as reported to all enforcing authorities

Fatal injuries in MVR, total number and comparison of rate per 100 000 by industry
Fatal Injuries to workers in MVR Rate:
All industries
2009/10 3 1.1 0.9 1.8 12.4 0.5
2010/11 5 1.9 1.0 2.3 9.9 0.6
2011/12p 6 2.4 1.1 2.3 9.7 0.6
3 year average 5 1.8 1.0 2.1 10.6 0.6

* Employment data is not available for rates calculation before 2009/10
** Workers = employees and self-employed
*** As defined by Standard Industrial Classification SIC 2007 code '4520'

Fatal injuries to workers in Motor Vehicle Repair (MVR)*** as reported to all enforcing authorities 2001/02 to 2011/12p

Fatal injuries by year

red dotted line Fatal injuries to workers

black solid line 3 per. Mov. Avg. (Fatal injuries to workers)

During the whole period from 2001/02-2011/12p, the kinds of fatal injury to workers were:

Fatal injuries to workers 2001/02 - 2011/12
Fatal injuries Percentage
Hit by moving object/collapsing/overturning 17 27%
Hit by moving vehicle 14 23%
Fall from height 6 10%
Fire / explosion 6 10%
Contact with harmful substance 4 6%
Other known kind 9 15%
Unspecified or  unknown kind 6 10%
Electricity 2 3%
Slip or trip 2 3%
Hit against a fixed object 2 3%
Drowned or asphyxiated 2 3%
Explosion 0 0%
Contact with moving machinery 1 2%
Total 67

Kinds of fatal Injury to workers in MVR, as percentage of total 2001/02 to 2011/12p

Pie chart showing percentage of each kind of fatal Injury


black dots Hit by moving object/collapsing/overturning

red stripes Hit by moving vehicle

pink Fall from height

green grid Fire / explosion

purple Contact with harmful substance

blue stripes Other known kind

blue Unspecified or unknown kind

Non-fatal injuries

The following table shows the numbers of non-fatal injuries in MVR reported to the HSE and Local Authorities (LAs), for the 3 years 2009/10 to 2011/12p.

The rates per 100,000 employees are also included in the second table.

Non-fatal RIDDOR injuries are those defined as Major (typically, fractures, amputations) and those defined as Over 3 day (injuries which led to 4 or more days absence from the employee's normal work).

Before 12 September 2011, RIDDOR reporting was mainly by telephone to the Incident Contact Centre. Subsequently, reporting was primarily by an online based system via the HSE website. Consequently, there may be some discontinuities in data whilst this new system beds in. [For example the total numbers of injuries were substantially lower in 2011/12p than in the previous two years as shown in the table and "All other kinds and unknown" figure doubled in 2011/12p from the 2009/10 and 2010/11 figures.] Another effect of this change is to how the SIC codes were allocated.

From 2011/12 onwards, HSE will only be able to provide injury numbers for Majors and injuries leading to more than 7 days absence from the employee's normal work.

RIDDOR reported non-fatal injuries to employees in Motor Vehicle Repair (MVR)* by kind of accident 2009/10 to 2011/12p

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Percentage of
3 year total
Lifting and handling injuries 544 435 303 33%
Slip, trip, fall same level 292 280 232 21%
Struck by object 256 211 170 16%
Fall from height 95 114 79 7%
Struck against 53 68 47 4%
Struck by moving vehicle 43 55 31 3%
Contact with machinery 42 42 41 3%
Exposure to harmful substance 37 34 14 2%
Exposed to fire 18 12 15 1%
Trapped by something collapsing 11 4 6 1%
All other kinds and unknown 70 76 149 8%

*As defined by Standard Industrial Classification SIC 2007 code '4520'

Non-fatal injury rates to employees in Motor Vehicle Repair (MVR) * as reported to all enforcing authorities 2009/10 to 2011/12p

Rate of injury per 100 000 employees
Nonfatal injuries
(Major percentage in brackets)
Major Over 3 day Total injuries
2009/10 1 461
152 529.2 682.1
2010/11 1 331
138.2 502.7 642.8
2011/12 1 087
129.3 437.3 568.7

* As defined by Standard Industrial Classification SIC 2007 code '4520'

Annual non-fatal injury numbers to employees in motor vehicle repair (SIC 4520)

Non-fatal injury numbers by year

red dotted line Major

black full line Over 3 days


Link URLs in this page

  1. Motor vehicle repair
  2. Introduction
  3. Overview - Common MVR topics
  4. Benzene
  5. Choosing the correct gloves
  6. Cleaning/degreasing substances including valeting
  7. Electric and hybrid vehicles
  8. Falls from height
  9. Fire and explosion
  10. Fluoroelastomers
  11. General COSHH essential sheets
  12. Hand-arm vibration
  13. Harmful dusts - Inhalation and Dermatitis risks
  14. Manual handling
  15. Noise
  16. Safety in the use of two-post vehicle lifts
  17. Slips and trips
  18. Storing and handling airbags
  19. Struck by...
  20. Updated guidance on vehicle lifts
  21. Used engine oil
  22. Workplace transport
  23. Overview - Bodyshops
  24. 2-pack isocyanate paints
  25. Bodyshop myths
  26. COSHH essential sheets
  27. Measuring paint spray booth clearance time
  28. Overview - Mechanical repair
  29. Asbestos
  30. Hot work on wheels
  31. Tyre removal, replacement and inflation
  32. Vehicle exhaust emissions (Diesel)
  33. Welding and flamecutting
  34. Wheel and tyre explosion
  35. Working under vehicles
  36. Overview - Roadside repair and recovery
  37. Automotive glazing
  38. Essential precautions
  39. Repair or recovery of buses and coaches fitted with air suspension
  40. Overview - Resources
  41. COSHH essentials
  42. Overview - Statistics
  43. Ill health statistics
  44. Injury statistics
  45. Useful external websites
  46. Videos
  47. Contacts

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Motor Vehicle Repair
Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health

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Updated 2024-07-15