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This page provides links to sources of general information and specific guidance on health and safety in the motor vehicle repair (MVR) and associated industries.

Example risk assessments

HSE priced publications

HSE free leaflets



Advice sheets[60]

Electrical Safety

Do you use a steam/water pressure cleaner - INDG68 (1997) (PDF) [61]

Flammable and Explosive Substances

Health: Substances

Manual Handling

Plant and equipment

Slips, Trips and Falls

Workplace Transport

Managing vehicle safety at the workplace: A short guide for employers - INDG199 (PDF) [84]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Motor vehicle repair
  2. Introduction
  3. Overview - Common MVR topics
  4. Benzene
  5. Choosing the correct gloves
  6. Cleaning/degreasing substances including valeting
  7. Electric and hybrid vehicles
  8. Falls from height
  9. Fire and explosion
  10. Fluoroelastomers
  11. General COSHH essential sheets
  12. Hand-arm vibration
  13. Harmful dusts - Inhalation and Dermatitis risks
  14. Manual handling
  15. Noise
  16. Safety in the use of two-post vehicle lifts
  17. Slips and trips
  18. Storing and handling airbags
  19. Struck by...
  20. Updated guidance on vehicle lifts
  21. Used engine oil
  22. Workplace transport
  23. Overview - Bodyshops
  24. 2-pack isocyanate paints
  25. Bodyshop myths
  26. COSHH essential sheets
  27. Measuring paint spray booth clearance time
  28. Overview - Mechanical repair
  29. Asbestos
  30. Hot work on wheels
  31. Tyre removal, replacement and inflation
  32. Vehicle exhaust emissions (Diesel)
  33. Welding and flamecutting
  34. Wheel and tyre explosion
  35. Working under vehicles
  36. Overview - Roadside repair and recovery
  37. Automotive glazing
  38. Essential precautions
  39. Repair or recovery of buses and coaches fitted with air suspension
  40. Overview - Resources
  41. COSHH essentials
  42. Overview - Statistics
  43. Ill health statistics
  44. Injury statistics
  45. Useful external websites
  46. Videos
  47. Contacts
  48. Motor vehicle repair body shop
  49. Motor vehicle mechanical repair shop
  50. Motor vehicle showroom
  51. Health and safety in motor vehicle repair and associated industries - HSG261
  52. The storage of flammable liquids in containers - HSG51 (1998)
  53. Workplace transport safety - HSG136 (1995)
  54. Control of diesel exhaust emissions in the workplace - HSG187 (1999)
  55. Working safely under motor vehicles being repaired - INDG434
  56. Updated guidance on vehicle lifts
  57. Safety during tyre inflation in motor vehicle repair - INDG433
  58. Reducing ill health and accidents in motor vehicle repair - INDG356(rev1) (2009)
  59. Reducing ill health and accidents in motor vehicle repair - INDG356(rev1) (2009)
  60. Advice sheets
  61. Do you use a steam/water pressure cleaner - INDG68 (1997)
  62. Application of DSEAR to MVR - Information document HSE 803/71
  63. Safe working with LPG fuelled motor vehicles - INDG387 (2003)
  64. Fire and explosion - how safe is your workplace - INDG370 (2002)
  65. Hot work on small tanks and drums - INDG314 (2000)
  66. Safety in gas welding, cutting and similar processes - INDG297 (1999)
  67. Storing and handling airbags and seat belt pretensioners safely
  68. Safety in isocyanate paint spraying - INDG388
  69. SMART paint spraying – How to control health and safety risks - INDG473
  70. Isocyanate paint spraying – Safely managing spray booths and rooms HSG276
  71. Safe working with vehicle air-conditioning systems - INDG349 (2002)
  72. Benzene and you - INDG329 (2000)
  73. Diesel engine exhaust emissions - INDG286 (1999)
  74. Choosing a welding set? make sure you can handle it - (Includes welding set buyer's manual handling poster) - INDG390 (2003)
  75. Getting to grips with manual handling: A short guide for employers - INDG143 (2004)
  76. Collecting and delivering vehicle tyres : A guide for employers tackling the risk of manual handling injuries
  77. Risk of vehicles falling off two-post vehicle lifts in motor vehicle repair (MVR) - Sector Information Minute 03/2010/02
  78. Defective locking devices identified on modern 2-post lifts - Sector Information Minute 03/2008/12
  79. Guidance on the application of Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 to Motor Vehicle Repair - Sector Information Minute 03/2005/05
  80. Working safely under motor vehicles being repaired - INDG434
  81. Updated guidance on vehicle lifts
  82. Preventing falls from vehicles - INDG413
  83. Preventing slips, trips and falls at work - INDG225 (2003)
  84. Managing vehicle safety at the workplace: A short guide for employers - INDG199
  85. Health and safety in motor vehicle repair and associated industries
  86. Safety during tyre inflation in motor vehicle repair
  87. Safe working with vehicle air conditioning systems
  88. Safe working with LPG-fuelled vehicles

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Motor Vehicle Repair
Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health
Small to Medium Area Repair Technique
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
Motor vehicle repair
Small to Medium Area Repair Technique

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Updated 2025-02-20