This page provides links to sources of general information and specific guidance on health and safety in the motor vehicle repair (MVR) and associated industries.
Example risk assessments
- Motor vehicle repair body shop[48]
- Motor vehicle mechanical repair shop[49]
- Motor vehicle showroom[50]
HSE priced publications
- Health and safety in motor vehicle repair and associated industries - HSG261[51] This new guide is a one-stop-shop for the MVR industry. It replaces two previous publications, Health and safety in motor vehicle repair (HSG67) and Health and safety in tyre and exhaust-fitting premises (HSG62), both published in the early 1990s. The new book reflects changes in the industry since then, including: air conditioning, air bags, hybrid vehicles, compliant paints and spray guns and Small and Medium Area Repair Techniques (SMART).
- The spraying of flammable liquids - HSG178 (1998)
- The storage of flammable liquids in containers - HSG51 (1998)[52]
- Workplace transport safety - HSG136 (1995)[53]
- Control of diesel exhaust emissions in the workplace - HSG187 (1999)[54]
HSE free leaflets
- Working safely under motor vehicles being repaired - INDG434[55]
- Note: Updated guidance on vehicle lifts[56]
- Safety during tyre inflation in motor vehicle repair - INDG433 (PDF) [57]
- Reducing ill health and accidents in motor vehicle repair - INDG356(rev1) (2009)[58]
- The motor vehicle repair checklist can now be found in Reducing ill health and accidents in motor vehicle repair - INDG356(rev1) (2009)[59]
Advice sheets[60]
Electrical Safety
Do you use a steam/water pressure cleaner - INDG68 (1997) (PDF) [61]
Flammable and Explosive Substances
- Application of DSEAR to MVR - Information document HSE 803/71 [62]
- Safe working with LPG fuelled motor vehicles - INDG387 (2003) (PDF) [63]
- Fire and explosion - how safe is your workplace - INDG370 (2002) (PDF) [64]
- Hot work on small tanks and drums - INDG314 (2000) (PDF) [65]
- Safety in gas welding, cutting and similar processes - INDG297 (1999)[66]
- Storing and handling airbags and seat belt pretensioners safely[67]
Health: Substances
- Safety in isocyanate paint spraying - INDG388[68]
- SMART paint spraying – How to control health and safety risks - INDG473 [69]
- Isocyanate paint spraying – Safely managing spray booths and rooms HSG276[70]
- Safe working with vehicle air-conditioning systems - INDG349 (2002) (PDF) [71]
- Benzene and you - INDG329 (2000) (PDF) [72]
- Diesel engine exhaust emissions - INDG286 (1999)[73]
Manual Handling
- Choosing a welding set? make sure you can handle it - (Includes welding set buyer's manual handling poster) - INDG390 (2003)[74]
- Getting to grips with manual handling: A short guide for employers - INDG143 (2004) (PDF) [75]
- Collecting and delivering vehicle tyres : A guide for employers tackling the risk of manual handling injuries (PDF) [76]
Plant and equipment
- Risk of vehicles falling off two-post vehicle lifts in motor vehicle repair (MVR) - Sector Information Minute 03/2010/02[77]
- Defective locking devices identified on modern 2-post lifts - Sector Information Minute 03/2008/12[78]
- Guidance on the application of Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 to Motor Vehicle Repair - Sector Information Minute 03/2005/05[79]
- Working safely under motor vehicles being repaired - INDG434[80]
- Note: Updated guidance on vehicle lifts[81]
Slips, Trips and Falls
- Preventing falls from vehicles - INDG413 (PDF) [82]
- Preventing slips, trips and falls at work - INDG225 (2003) (PDF) [83]
Workplace Transport
Managing vehicle safety at the workplace: A short guide for employers - INDG199 (PDF) [84]