Essential precautions for working roadside

Precautions required

  • all risks, particularly from other road users, have been properly assessed and safe systems for working at the roadside prepared
  • vehicles and equipment of an appropriate standard are provided and maintained
  • employees have been adequately trained to work safely at the roadside and to advise the occupants of casualty vehicles on the precautions they should be taking.
  • appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) eg high visibility/weatherproof clothing; footwear; gloves, is provided and used


There are a number of trade associations within the breakdown and recovery industry which may be able to advise on the availability of suitable training courses, including -

Available guidance

The British Standards Institute[51] (BSI) has published a number of priced documents containing guidelines on both the standard of training and equipment specifications.

For example:

  • BS7121-12:1999 Safe use of cranes Part 12: Recovery vehicles and equipment-Code of Practice. Contains guidelines and recommendations for ensuring the health and safety of people at work and members of the public during recovery operations.
  • BS7901:2002 Specification for recovery vehicles and vehicle recovery equipment. Specifies performance requirements for recovery equipment for moving casualty vehicles during breakdown or recovery activities.
  • PAS43:2012 Safe working of vehicle breakdown and recovery operators: Management system specification.

The Institute of Vehicle Recovery[52] (IVR) has published a series of videos to help train roadside technicians, including "Life on the edge 6. Roadside Technicians: It's your call". This deals specifically with the safety of people involved in roadside recovery operations. (Available from the Tel: 01895 436426

The SURVIVE Group[53] is a partnership between the Highways Agency, the Association of Chief Police Officers, the breakdown/recovery industry and other service providers. The SURVIVE Group has been established to improve the safety of those who work on the road network and the travelling public and is also dedicated to the promotion of driving safety. SURVIVE are the originating organisation for PAS 43 referred to above. It also produces other guidance including its 'Best Practice' guidelines for dealing with breakdowns/removals on motorways and high speed dual carriageways[54].

HSE contributed to the cross industry Road Workers' Safety Forum (ROWSAF), in the production of  'Guidance for works on the hard shoulder and roadside verges on high speed dual carriageways[55]' found on the Highways Agency's website and covers a range of activities including maintenance works but also the repair or recovery of broken down vehicles. The free publication relates primarily to high speed roads but can equally be transferred to lower speed roads where similar principles can be applied. This gives some specific guidance for recovery operators and also refers back to the SURVIVE Best practice Guidelines.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Motor vehicle repair
  2. Introduction
  3. Overview - Common MVR topics
  4. Benzene
  5. Choosing the correct gloves
  6. Cleaning/degreasing substances including valeting
  7. Electric and hybrid vehicles
  8. Falls from height
  9. Fire and explosion
  10. Fluoroelastomers
  11. General COSHH essential sheets
  12. Hand-arm vibration
  13. Harmful dusts - Inhalation and Dermatitis risks
  14. Manual handling
  15. Noise
  16. Safety in the use of two-post vehicle lifts
  17. Slips and trips
  18. Storing and handling airbags
  19. Struck by...
  20. Updated guidance on vehicle lifts
  21. Used engine oil
  22. Workplace transport
  23. Overview - Bodyshops
  24. 2-pack isocyanate paints
  25. Bodyshop myths
  26. COSHH essential sheets
  27. Measuring paint spray booth clearance time
  28. Overview - Mechanical repair
  29. Asbestos
  30. Hot work on wheels
  31. Tyre removal, replacement and inflation
  32. Vehicle exhaust emissions (Diesel)
  33. Welding and flamecutting
  34. Wheel and tyre explosion
  35. Working under vehicles
  36. Overview - Roadside repair and recovery
  37. Automotive glazing
  38. Essential precautions
  39. Repair or recovery of buses and coaches fitted with air suspension
  40. Overview - Resources
  41. COSHH essentials
  42. Overview - Statistics
  43. Ill health statistics
  44. Injury statistics
  45. Useful external websites
  46. Videos
  47. Contacts
  48. Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators (AVRO)
  49. Institute of Vehicle Recovery (IVR)
  50. Road Rescue Recovery Association (RRRA)
  51. British Standards Institute
  52. Institute of Vehicle Recovery
  53. The SURVIVE Group
  54. 'Best Practice' guidelines for dealing with breakdowns/removals on motorways and high speed dual carriageways
  55. Guidance for works on the hard shoulder and roadside verges on high speed dual carriageways
  56. Safe working with vehicle air conditioning systems - INDG349
  57. Safe working with LPG-fuelled vehicles - INDG387

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Motor Vehicle Repair
Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health

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Updated 2024-07-08