Health and Safety - Frequently asked questions

This page provides answers to HSE's commonly asked questions about health and safety.

Hot topics

Other general health and safety regulations and advice

Link URLs in this page

  1. Contact HSE
  2. Is HSE the correct enforcing authority?
  3. Ways to contact HSE
  4. FAQs
  5. Report an incident - RIDDOR
  6. Overview - Tell us about a health and safety issue
  7. What happens after you report an issue?
  8. Whistleblowers
  9. HSE forms
  10. Overview - HSE offices
  11. East & South East
  12. London
  13. Midlands
  14. North West
  15. Scotland
  16. Wales & South West
  17. Yorkshire & North East
  18. International and overseas visits to HSE
  19. Overview - Complaints
  20. Complaints about regulatory advice
  21. HSE’s regulation of higher hazard workplace and activities
  22. Freedom of Information (FOI)
  23. Confidentiality
  24. Are turban-wearing Sikhs exempt from the need to wear head protection in the workplace?
  25. RIDDOR
  26. What is the maximum/minimum temperature in the workplace?
  27. What breaks am I allowed under the working time regulations?
  28. Control of asbestos regulations
  29. When does CDM (Construction, Design and Management Regulations) apply to a project?
  30. Portable appliance tests - information on PAT
  31. Pregnant workers and risk assessment
  32. How much space am I entitled to at work?
  33. How do I report an accident?
  34. How many first aiders do I require?
  35. Smoking - Advice on smoking at work?
  36. Lone working - Can a person be left alone at their workplace?
  37. WC Facilities - How many toilets should a workplace have?
  38. Health and Safety law poster - What details do you need to put on the new Health and Safety law poster?
  39. What are the health risks from asbestos?
  40. Vibration - Are the new regulations in force yet?
  41. Work at height regulations
  42. PPE - Do employers have to provide personal protective equipment?
  43. Policy - Information on compiling health & safety policy
  44. Disabled Access - What responsibility employers have for access to buildings?
  45. Charities - Does health & safety legislation apply to volunteers working for charities?
  46. The Working Time Regulations

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013

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Updated 2024-02-09 -->