
We make every effort to safeguard the information that you provide to us.  Please note HSE will not normally pass on any personal details to other organisations. However, we sometimes need to pass your details on to another government departments in order to help with your enquiry.  


Keeping hold of and disposing of information is an important part of managing records within HSE, please note that all enquiries will be destroyed after two years.  HSE has developed a record retention policy to support these disposal arrangements based on the following principles:

  • Legal Requirements
  • Historical Value and transfer to The National Archive
  • Business requirement including the need for transparency and accountability

Information on the HSE retention policy (PDF) [24]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Contact HSE
  2. Is HSE the correct enforcing authority?
  3. Ways to contact HSE
  4. FAQs
  5. Report an incident - RIDDOR
  6. Overview - Tell us about a health and safety issue
  7. What happens after you report an issue?
  8. Whistleblowers
  9. HSE forms
  10. Overview - HSE offices
  11. East & South East
  12. London
  13. Midlands
  14. North West
  15. Scotland
  16. Wales & South West
  17. Yorkshire & North East
  18. International and overseas visits to HSE
  19. Overview - Complaints
  20. Complaints about regulatory advice
  21. HSE’s regulation of higher hazard workplace and activities
  22. Freedom of Information (FOI)
  23. Confidentiality
  24. Information on the HSE retention policy

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013

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Updated 2023-10-17