Is HSE the correct enforcing authority for you?

This page lists the type of workplaces HSE is responsible for and those where Local Authorities have responsibility. It also lists some other enforcing authorities (eg for food, environment and railways) you may find useful.

HSE's responsibilities

HSE is responsible for enforcing health and safety at workplaces including:

  • factories
  • farms
  • building sites
  • mines
  • schools and colleges
  • fairgrounds
  • gas, electricity and water systems
  • hospitals and nursing homes
  • central and local government premises
  • offshore installations

Local authorities

You should contact your local authority environmental health department if you have a query about the following type of premises:

  • offices (except government offices)
  • shops
  • hotels
  • restaurants
  • leisure premises
  • nurseries and playgroups
  • pubs and clubs
  • museums (privately owned)
  • places of worship
  • sheltered accommodation and care homes

Other enforcing authorities

You may find this list of enforcing authorities and contact details useful.

Concern Enforcing body
Nuclear installations Office for Nuclear Regulation[24]
Poor food hygiene Environmental Health Department (Local Authority) GOV.UK[25]
Pollution, including nuisance noise Environmental Health (Local Authority) GOV.UK[26]
Problems with goods and services you have bought Trading Standards (Local Authority) GOV.UK[27]
Road, highways and pavements Highways Department (Local Authority) GOV.UK[28]
Unstable/dangerous buildings Building Control (Local Authority) GOV.UK[29]
Road traffic issues Police[30]
Roadworthiness of vehicles Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency[31]
Railway health and safety Office of Rail and Road (ORR)[32]
Waste disposal, contaminated ground, some air pollution issues Environment Agency[33]
Care of patients and users of health and social care services in England Care Quality Commission[34]
Care of patients in health services in Scotland Healthcare Improvement Scotland[35]
Care of patients in health services in Wales Healthcare Inspectorate Wales[36]
Care of users of social care services in Scotland Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland[37]
Care of users of social care services in Wales Care Inspectorate Wales[38]
Repairs of council owned property Housing Ombudsman Service[39]
Conditions for and treatment of those in prison Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons[40]
Concerns about patient safety – Doctors General Medical Council[41]
Concerns about patient safety – Nurses & Midwives Nursing and Midwifery Council[42]
Welfare facilities at schools Department of Education[43]
Occupational health and safety of flight crew and cabin crew on aircraft and health of passengers on aircraft Civil Aviation Authority[44]
Concerns about marine safety including certification, pollution and health, safety & welfare of seafarers Maritime and Coastguard Agency[45]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Contact HSE
  2. Is HSE the correct enforcing authority?
  3. Ways to contact HSE
  4. FAQs
  5. Report an incident - RIDDOR
  6. Overview - Tell us about a health and safety issue
  7. What happens after you report an issue?
  8. Whistleblowers
  9. HSE forms
  10. Overview - HSE offices
  11. East & South East
  12. London
  13. Midlands
  14. North West
  15. Scotland
  16. Wales & South West
  17. Yorkshire & North East
  18. International and overseas visits to HSE
  19. Overview - Complaints
  20. Complaints about regulatory advice
  21. HSE’s regulation of higher hazard workplace and activities
  22. Freedom of Information (FOI)
  23. Confidentiality
  24. Office for Nuclear Regulation
  25. GOV.UK
  26. GOV.UK
  27. GOV.UK
  28. GOV.UK
  29. GOV.UK
  30. Police
  31. Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency
  32. Office of Rail and Road (ORR)
  33. Environment Agency
  34. Care Quality Commission
  35. Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  36. Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
  37. Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland
  38. Care Inspectorate Wales
  39. Housing Ombudsman Service
  40. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons
  41. General Medical Council
  42. Nursing and Midwifery Council
  43. Department of Education
  44. Civil Aviation Authority
  45. Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013

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Updated: 2024-07-01