Tell us about a health and safety issue

When to use this service

Use this service to report a health and safety issue in a workplace or public space in England, Scotland and Wales.

Do not use this service if you have a question for the Building Safety Regulator. Instead, use the contact the Building Safety Regulator service[1].

You may need to report your issue to a local authority or another enforcing authority. Check if this service is right for you[2].

How your information is used

Your name and contact information

We ask for your name, your phone number, and your email address. We need this information to: 

  • find out if we are speaking to the right person
  • contact you for further information if it is needed
  • let you know if HSE is not responsible for the issue

If you do not give us your phone number or email address, and there is not enough information in the report, we may not be able to do anything about your concern.

Who we share your name and contact information with

We only share your name and contact details with:

  • people managing your issue at HSE including investigators
  • police and other law enforcing authorities where the law says we have to, such as for a court case

Where we follow up on your issue, we will advise the business or organisation involved that an issue has been raised and share the details of the issue.

We do not share your personal details with the business or organisation but it is possible they may work out who you are.

A business or organisation may guess who has reported an issue even when no information is shared.

Answer all the questions unless they are marked optional.

Start now[3]

Before you start

In this service we ask you:

  • if you have contacted us before
  • if you are contacting us about coronavirus
  • which sector your issue relates to
  • what part of the UK your issue is in
  • for your name
  • what telephone number we can use to ask for more information
  • what email address we can use
  • what you want us to do, such as investigate an issue
  • If we can contact you for further information, should we need to
  • if there is risk of sickness, injury or death, if so who is at risk
  • how long the issue has been going on and how long it will continue
  • if you know the postcode
  • for the first line of the address and the town or city, and what other details you have about the location
  • if you know the business or organisation doing the activity
  • if you know the person in charge at the location
  • what your issue is
  • if you have evidence, such as photographs
  • if you can upload that evidence and tell us about what it shows
  • how you relate to the issue
  • if there are any aggressive people or animals at the location, or anything that might put inspectors in danger

Check what your employer should be doing to keep their workplace safe and healthy. Search by topic[4] or industry[5].

Get help if you cannot report an issue online

You can contact us and we will fill in the form for you.

  • Telephone: 0300 003 1647
  • Telephone Building Safety Regulator: 0300 790 6787
  • Monday to Tuesday, 8:30am to 5pm
  • Wednesday, 10am to 5pm
  • Thursday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm

After you report your issue

We may call or email you for more information within 3 working days.

We aim to email you within 15 working days (3 weeks) to give you the outcome.

How the law protects you

You may have protection under the law including against unfair dismissal. Read about protection for whistleblowers on GOV.UK[6].

Related content

Link URLs in this page

  1. contact the Building Safety Regulator service
  2. Check if this service is right for you
  3. Start now
  4. topic
  5. industry
  6. whistleblowers on GOV.UK
  7. Ask us about health and safety
  8. Make a RIDDOR report

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