How many toilets should a workplace have?

The relevant legislation is the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Regulation 20, Sanitary conveniences, states:

  1. Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences shall be provided at readily accessible places.
  2. Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), sanitary conveniences shall not be suitable unless -
    1. the rooms containing them are adequately ventilated and lit;
    2. they and the rooms containing them are kept in a clean and orderly condition; and
    3. separate rooms containing conveniences are provided for men and women except where and so far as each convenience is in a separate room the door of which is capable of being secured from inside.

The Approved code of practice goes on to give minimum numbers of facilities:

(The number of people at work shown in column 1 refers to the maximum number likely to be in the workplace at any one time)

Number of toilets and washbasins for mixed use (or women only):

Number of people at work Number of toilets Number of washbasins
1-5 1 1
6-25 2 2
26-50 3 3
51-75 4 4
76-100 5 5

Toilets used by men only:

Number of men at work Number of toilets Number of urinals
1-15 1 1
16-30 2 1
31-45 2 2
46-60 3 2
61-75 3 3
76-90 4 3
91-100 4 4


L24, Workplace health, safety and welfare, approved code of practice and guidance, (ISBN 0717604136 - available from HSE Books).

Welfare at work - free leaflet (PDF) [24]

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Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013

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Updated 2022-08-10