The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005
If employers comply with the Vibration Regulations and follow guidance, It may be possible to reduce instances of back pain from whole-body vibration. There are simple, non-technical and common sense measures which can be introduced to reduce exposure to vibration.
The regulations introduce action and limit values for hand-arm and whole-body vibration.
Whole-body vibration
The regulations introduce an:
- Exposure action value of 0.5 m/s2 A(8) at which level employers should introduce technical and organisational measures to reduce exposure.
- Exposure limit value of 1.15 m/s2 A(8) which should not be exceeded.
The regulations also allow a transitional period from the exposure limit value for whole-body vibration until 2010 to allow work activities, where the use of older tools and machinery cannot keep exposures below the exposure limit value, to continue in certain circumstances. There is also a further transitional period to 2014 for Agriculture and Forestry sectors.
The full text of the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005[10] can be viewed online.
Guidance providing advice on practical actions employers can take to control the risks and common sense measures to reduce exposure can be found in the following free leaflets:
- Control the risks from whole-body vibration INDG242(rev1) (PDF) [11][PDF 164kb] Advice for employers
- Drive away bad backs INDG404
[12][PDF 52kb] Advice for employees
and in HSE's priced book:
- 'Whole-body vibration `The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005` (L141) (ISBN 0-7807-661268) available from HSE books[13] or from bookshops priced £10.95.
Background to the Vibration Regulations
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 are based on a European Union Directive requiring similar basic laws throughout the Union on protecting workers from risks to their health and safety from vibration. The European Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive (2002/44/EC) deals with risks from vibration at work and is one of several Directives dealing with Physical Agents such as Noise and Vibration. They do not apply to members of the public exposed to vibration from non-work activities.
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 require more specific duties compared to earlier general health and safety regulations such as the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 which still apply. If employers comply with the Vibration Regulations and follow guidance, it may be possible to reduce instances of back pain from whole-body vibration. There are simple, non-technical and common sense measures which can be introduced to reduce exposure to vibration.