Research reports

Link URLs in this page

  1. COSHH
  2. COSHH overview
  3. What is a ‘substance hazardous to health’?
  4. I’m self-employed. Does this apply to me?
  5. What you need to do
  6. COSHH assessment
  7. Substitution
  8. Exposure limits
  9. Chemical safety data sheets
  10. Control measures
  11. Permits to work
  12. Personal protective equipment
  13. Monitoring
  14. Health surveillance
  15. Training for employees
  16. Emergencies
  17. Detailed overview
  18. COSHH, CLP and REACH
  19. REACH and COSHH
  20. Principles of good practice
  21. Overview - Your industry
  22. Agriculture
  23. Baking
  24. Beauty
  25. Catering
  26. Cleaning
  27. Engineering
  28. Fumigation
  29. Hairdressing
  30. Offshore oil and gas
  31. Printing
  32. Motor vehicle repair
  33. Welding
  34. Woodworking
  35. Frequently asked questions
  36. Overview - Resources
  37. COSHH Essentials
  38. Overview - Case studies
  39. Solderer
  40. Baker
  41. Cook
  42. Welders
  43. Isocyanates
  44. Dermatitis
  45. Overview - Example risk assessments
  46. Office
  47. DIY shop
  48. Workshop
  49. Engineer
  50. Sandwich maker
  51. Garden centre
  52. Paving company
  53. Feed mill
  54. Die caster
  55. Electronics
  56. Fruit farm
  57. Warehouse
  58. Further information
  59. Publications
  60. Research reports
  61. Ways for SMEs to assess and control risks from hazardous substances
  62. Occupational lung disease in ferrous foundry workers
  63. Dioxin exposure from work related activities
  64. Cancer risk following exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): a meta-analysis
  65. Effective communication of chemical hazard and risk information using a multimedia safety data sheet
  66. An assessment of skin sensitisation by the use of epoxy resin in the construction industry
  67. Cellular aspects of occupational asthma: Immunological studies in isocyanate exposed subjects
  68. Shift work and breast cancer: a critical review of the epidemiological evidence
  69. In vitro determinants of particulate toxicity: The dose-metric for poorly soluble dusts
  70. The development of risk reduction strategies for the prevention of dermatitis in the UK printing industry
  71. The role of occupational exposure limits in the health and safety systems of EU Member States
  72. Inter-individual variability in the interpretation of biological monitoring guidance values
  73. Further update of cancer incidence and cancer mortality in a cohort of semiconductor workers
  74. Nanoparticles: An occupational hygiene review
  75. Development of a field method for the assessment of the effectiveness of barrier creams in preventing skin irritation reactions
  76. An occupational hygiene assessment of the use and control of isocyanates in the UK
  77. Benchmarking employee supervisory processes in the chemical industry
  78. Enhancing chemical risk control for reducing exposure in the workplace through advanced risk messaging techniques
  79. Genetic variation in susceptibility to chronic effects of organophosphate exposure
  80. Evidence base for identifying potential failures in the specification, use and maintenance of PPE at work
  81. A methodology to prioritise substances for possible further development of Acute Exposure Threshold Levels (AETLs)
  82. Routes of referral for occupational asthma
  83. The true cost of occupational asthma in Great Britain
  84. Isocyanate exposure, emission and control in small motor vehicle repair premises using spray rooms: Phase 1
  85. An inventory of fibres to classify their potential hazard and risk
  86. Use of chemical protective gloves to control dermal exposures in the uv lithographic printing sub-sector
  87. Products evolved during hot gas welding of fluoropolymers
  88. The HSE grain dust study - workers exposure to grain dust contaminants, immunological and clinical response
  89. Inadvertent ingestion exposure in the workplace
  90. The causative factors of dermatitis among workers exposed to metalworking fluids
  91. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - RR595
  92. Irritancy and sensitisation
  93. Occupational asthma, respiratory issues and dermatitis in hairdressers and nail bars
  94. Health and safety in nail bars
  95. Exposure to dust and bioaerosols in poultry farming: Summary of observations and data
  96. Parental occupational chemical exposures and childhood cancer
  97. Silica baseline survey
  98. An exploratory study of occupational health risks for beauty therapists who carry out massage and spray tanning treatments
  99. MALDI/TOF/MS analysis of isocyanates and other hazardous workplace chemicals
  100. COSHH and current practice
  101. An automated system for indicating spray clearance times of MVR spray booths and rooms
  102. Review of occupational hygiene reports on suitability of respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
  103. Hazards of liquid hydrogen: Position paper
  104. A small survey of exposure to stainless steel welding fume
  105. Prospective cohort study of sheep dip exposure and 'dipper's flu'
  106. Investigation of potential exposure to carcinogens and respiratory sensitisers during thermal
  107. processing of plastics
  108. Factors influencing the implementation of RPE programmes in the workplace
  109. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain - RR800
  110. Determining current health and safety practices, awareness of HSE initiatives and economic trends in relation to isocyanate paint use in the motor vehicle repair sector
  111. Health surveillance - a time for change? Workshop proceedings 07/08 July 2009
  112. A small survey of exposure to rubber process dust, rubber fume and N-nitrosamines

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