Offshore COSHH Essentials
Offshore COSHH Essentials was prepared in partnership by an HSE/Industry/Unions working group and describes good control practice for controlling exposure to chemicals, for a range of common processes and tasks in the offshore industry. The guidance is aimed at managers, safety practitioners, offshore medics and safety representatives in the offshore oil and gas industry, who have responsibility for managing the control of substances hazardous to health. These Offshore COSHH Essential (OCE) and Offshore COSHH Method (OCM) series are part of a suite of guidance on offshore health risks and includes Offshore Food Essentials (OFE) and Offshore Radiation Essentials (ORE).
The Offshore Essentials sheets are not your risk assessments, but they will help you to assess the risks for named tasks and identify good control practice as well as reviewing existing control practice. An individual duty holder is unlikely to need all the sheets and should therefore select and download the appropriate sheets for the process or task that they are interested in and follow the advice given. It is important to look at all the advice and not pick and choose bits of advice, as all the points work together to provide adequate control. Implementing all the advice means that you will be following good control practice and will normally comply with exposure limits. You can also compare any controls you already use with the advice from Offshore COSHH Essentials. If the controls you have in place are the same or more stringent than those recommended by the guidance, then you are likely to be taking the right type of action.
- OCE0 - Advice for managers (PDF) [61]
- OCE1 - Preparing surfaces for painting (PDF) [62]
- OCE2 - Painting by brush/roller (PDF) [63]
- OCE3 - Painting by spraying (PDF) [64]
- OCE4 - Soldering (PDF) [65]
- OCE5 - Insulation – installation (PDF) [66]
- OCE6 - Hydrogen sulphide (PDF) [67]
- OCE7 - Pigging operations (PDF) [68]
- OCE8 - Mixing of drilling muds (sack room) (PDF) [69]
- OCE9 - Use of drilling muds (shale shaker and mud pit areas) (PDF) [70]
- OCE10 - Chemical injection (PDF) [71]
- OCE11 - Breaking containment – non-hydrocarbon lines (PDF) [72]
- OCE12 - Breaking containment – hydrocarbon lines (PDF) [73]
- OCE13 - Breaking containment – process cleaning operations (PDF) [74]
- OCE14 - Breaking containment – mercury (PDF) [75]
- OCE15 - Potable water and legionella control (PDF) [76]
- OCE16 - Bulk sampling (PDF) [77]
- OCE17 - Laboratory practice (PDF) [78]
- OCE19 - Pressure cleaning – external structures (PDF) [79]
- OCE20 - Sewage system maintenance (PDF) [80]
- OCE21 - Laundry (PDF) [81]
- OCE22 - Cleaning accommodation and facilities (PDF) [82]
- OCE23 - Cleaning up body fluids (PDF) [83]
- OCE24 - Cementing (PDF) [84]
- OCE25 - Well servicing – chemical injection (PDF) [85]
- OCE26 - Drilling waste treatment (PDF) [86]
- OCM1 - Confined spaces (PDF) [87]
- OCM2 - Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) (PDF) [88]
- OCM3 - Personal protective equipment (PPE) (PDF) [89]
- OCM4 - Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) (PDF) [90]
- OCM5 - Emergency planning (PDF) [91]
- OCM6 - Exposure monitoring (PDF) [92]
- OCM7 - Health surveillance (PDF) [93]
- OCM8 - Storing chemicals (PDF) [94]
- OFE1 - Food safety and hygiene (PDF) [95]
- ORE1 - Breaking containment: naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) (PDF) [96]
See also
- Health surveillance[106]
- Agriculture microsite[107]
- Agriculture free leaflets[108]