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COSHH basics

What COSHH is

The law requires you to adequately control exposure to materials in the workplace that cause ill health. This is the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH).

Harmful substances

Many materials or substances used or created at work could harm your health. These substances could be dusts, gases or fumes that you breathe in, or liquids, gels or powders that come into contact with your eyes or skin. There could also be harmful micro-organisms[61] present that can cause infection, an allergic reaction or are toxic.

Harmful substances can be present in anything from paints and cleaners to flour dust, solder fume, blood or waste. Ill health caused by these substances used at work is preventable. Many substances can harm health but, used properly, they almost never do.

Substances not covered by COSHH

COSHH does not cover the following substances as they have their own specific regulations:

The hazards

Some substances can cause asthma or other diseases, including cancer. Many can damage the skin, and some can cause serious long-term damage to the lungs.

The effect can be immediate, such as dizziness or stinging eyes, or can take many years to develop, such as lung disease. Many of the long-term or chronic effects cannot be cured once they develop.

What you have to do

You can prevent or reduce workers exposure to hazardous substances by:

  • finding out what the health hazards are
  • deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment[65])
  • providing control measures to reduce harm to health
  • making sure they are used
  • keeping all control measures in good working order
  • providing information, instruction and training for workers and others
  • providing monitoring and health surveillance[66] in appropriate cases
  • planning for emergencies


Link URLs in this page

  1. COSHH
  2. COSHH overview
  3. What is a ‘substance hazardous to health’?
  4. I’m self-employed. Does this apply to me?
  5. What you need to do
  6. COSHH assessment
  7. Substitution
  8. Exposure limits
  9. Chemical safety data sheets
  10. Control measures
  11. Permits to work
  12. Personal protective equipment
  13. Monitoring
  14. Health surveillance
  15. Training for employees
  16. Emergencies
  17. Detailed overview
  18. COSHH, CLP and REACH
  19. REACH and COSHH
  20. Principles of good practice
  21. Overview - Your industry
  22. Agriculture
  23. Baking
  24. Beauty
  25. Catering
  26. Cleaning
  27. Engineering
  28. Fumigation
  29. Hairdressing
  30. Offshore oil and gas
  31. Printing
  32. Motor vehicle repair
  33. Welding
  34. Woodworking
  35. Frequently asked questions
  36. Overview - Resources
  37. COSHH Essentials
  38. Overview - Case studies
  39. Solderer
  40. Baker
  41. Cook
  42. Welders
  43. Isocyanates
  44. Dermatitis
  45. Overview - Example risk assessments
  46. Office
  47. DIY shop
  48. Workshop
  49. Engineer
  50. Sandwich maker
  51. Garden centre
  52. Paving company
  53. Feed mill
  54. Die caster
  55. Electronics
  56. Fruit farm
  57. Warehouse
  58. Further information
  59. Publications
  60. Research reports
  61. harmful micro-organisms
  62. lead
  63. asbestos
  64. radioactive substances
  65. risk assessment
  66. health surveillance
  67. How to carry out a COSHH risk assessment
  68. A brief guide to COSHH (INDG136)
  69. COSHH Essentials
  70. Ventilation
  71. Simple checks to prevent skin damage
  72. Simple checks to control dust and mist
  73. Asbestos

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