COSHH and vehicle spray painters - key messages
Substances hazardous to health in vehicle spray painting include:
- paints, lacquers and under-seals.
Other substances hazardous to health in motor vehicle repair include:
- fuels, brake fluids and lubricants, including waste oil;
- fumes and gases from welding and cutting;
- dusts from abrasive wheels, etc;
- degreasing fluids, cleaning products, including strong hand cleaners;
- adhesives and fillers;
- battery acid.
Example: Spray painting with isocyanate-based two-pack top coat
Isocyanate can cause asthma. You must reduce exposure to isocyanate as far below the WEL of 0.02 mg/m3 (8 hours) and 0.07 mg/m3 (15 minutes) as reasonably practicable. You normally need to use health surveillance.
Isocyanate can also cause dermatitis.
Control measures include:
- enclosed, extracted spray booth marked with its clearance time;
- air-line respiratory protective equipment;
- other personal protective equipment;
- health surveillance for asthma and skin checks.
Help in identifying the right controls is on the MVR COSHH essentials web page[61]. Control information for isocyanate appears in:
- MR1 Mixing two-pack paint, etc (PDF) [62];
- MR2 Spraying two-pack products in a spray/bake booth; (PDF) [63]
- MR3 Cleaning two-pack spray guns; (PDF) [64]
- MR4 Brush or roller application of two-pack products; (PDF) [65]
- MR5 Flatting, SMART repair, welding, etc. (PDF) [66]
Visit the HSE MVR website[67] for more information.
Your employer provides equipment to protect your health, such as:
- spray booth for all paint spraying (including gun washings);
- personal protective equipment.
You have a duty to use these properly and co-operate with any monitoring and health surveillance.