Publications and guidance
- Legal guidance
- General
- Port Skills and Safety - Health and safety in ports guidance sheets
- Management of health and safety in ports
- Workplace transport
- Lifting operations
- Falls from height
- Dusty cargoes
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Slips and Trips
- Confined spaces
- Freight container safety
- Other guidance
Legal guidance
- Safety in docks Approved Code of Practice[31]po
- Duties under the Dangerous Goods in Harbour Areas Regulations 2016 (DGHAR)[32]
- Fishing vessels and HSE[33]
- Loading and Unloading Fishing Vessels Regulations 1988 (HSR28)[34]
- Memorandum of Understanding
Explains the co-operation and demarcation between HSE/MCA/MAIB - Memorandum of Understanding between HSE/Office of Rail and Road[36]
- HSE internal guidance giving demarcation details between HSE and local authority inspectors
Quick guide to health and safety in ports (INDG446) (PDF) [37]
Port Skills and Safety - Health and safety in ports guidance sheets
This guidance has been produced by the ports industry, with assistance from HSE, to help those with duties under health and safety legislation to identify key risks. This guidance also gives examples of good practice, which dutyholders can use to assist their risk assessments.
Port Skills and Safety[38] website has guidance on:
- SIP001 - Guidance on Workplace Transport (Port and Terminal Planning)[39]
- SIP002 - General cargo - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[40]
- SIP003 -Container Handling - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[41]
- SIP004 - Timber handling - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[42]
- SIP005 - Mooring - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[43]
- SIP006 - Bulk liquids - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[44]
- SIP007 - Dry bulk cargo loading/unloading - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[45]
- SIP008 - Dry bulk cargo storage - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[46]
- SIP009 - Lighting - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[47]
- SIP010 - Guidance on Workplace Transport (Ro-Ro and Sto-Ro Operations) [48]
- SIP011 - Guidance on Sources of Occupational Health Information for Ports[49]
- SIP012 - Guidance on Ro-Ro Passenger and Cruise Operations[50]
- SIP013 - Guidance on Management of Non-Permanent Employees in Ports
- SIP014 - Guidance on Safe Access and Egress in Ports[51]
- SIP015 - Guidance on Confined Spaces in Ports[52]
- SIP016 - Guidance on Emergency Planning in Ports[53]
- SIP019 - Selection and Use of Buoyancy Equipment[54]
- SIP020 - Guidance on Water Safety in Ports[55]
- SIP021 – Guidance on Safe Access to Fishing Vessels and Small Craft in Ports[56]
Management of health and safety in ports
- Managing health and safety in dockwork HSG 177[57]
- HSE's Managing for Health and Safety at Work website[58]
Workplace transport
- HSE's workplace transport website[59]
- Load safety website (this link directs to the National Archive)[60]
- HSE guidance on trailer coupling and uncoupling[61]
- HSE guidance on work-related road safety[62]
- Advice and guidance on the application of road traffic legislation to roads in docks[63]
- DfT/DVLA - At a glance guide to the current medical standards of fitness to drive[64]
Port Skills and Safety[65] website for guidance on:
- SIP001 - Guidance on Workplace Transport (Port and Terminal Planning)[66]
- SIP010 - Guidance on Workplace Transport (Ro-Ro and Sto-Ro Operations)[67]
- SIP012 - Guidance on Ro-Ro Passenger and Cruise Operations [68]
Lifting operations
- Lifting equipment at work: A brief guide[69]
- HSE's Work Equipment website[70]
- BS 7121-2-9:2013 Code of practice for the safe use of cranes. Inspection, maintenance and thorough examination. Cargo handling and container cranes.[71]
- The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment) Regulations 2006 MGN332 Maritime and Coastguard Agency[72]
Port Skills and Safety[73] website for guidance on:
- SIP002 General cargo - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[74]
- SIP003 Container Handling - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[75]
Falls from height
- HSE's falls from height website[76]
- HSE's falls from vehicles website[77] (links to the National Archives)
- Standards at quayside ladders[78]
- Marine and Coastguard Agency's Marine Guidance Note[79]
Port Skills and Safety[80] website for guidance on:
- SIP002 - General cargo - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance [81]
- SIP003 - Container Handling - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[82]
- SIP004 - Timber Handling - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[83]
- SIP005 - Mooring - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance [84]
- SIP014 - Guidance on Safe Access and Egress in Ports [85]
- SIP020 - Guidance on Water Safety in Ports[86]
- SIP021 - Guidance on Safe Access to Fishing Vessels and Small Craft in Ports[87]
Dusty cargoes
- HSE's Control of Substances Hazardous to Health website[88]
- HSE's Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) website[89]
- HSE's Fire and Explosion website[90]
Port Skills and Safety[91] website for guidance on:
- SIP007 Dry Bulk Cargo Loading/Unloading - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance [92]
- SIP008 Dry Bulk Cargo Storage - Health and Safety in Ports Guidance[93]
Musculoskeletal disorders
- HSE's musculoskeletal disorders website[94]
- Manual handling assessment charts[95]
- HSE's whole-body vibration website[96]
Slips and Trips
HSE's slips and trips website[97]
Confined spaces
- HSE's website on confined spaces[98]
- Entry into enclosed spaces - containers [99]
- Entry into enclosed spaces - ships[100]
- Confined spaces: A brief guide to working safely[101]
- MCA guidance on confined spaces[102]
- Wood pellet biofuel[103]
- Fumigation : Health and safety guidance for employers and technicians...[104]
Port Skills and Safety[105] website for guidance on:
SIP015 - Guidance on Confined Spaces in Ports[106]
Freight container safety
- Safe transport of containers by sea
This free guidance is published by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and World Shipping Council (WSC). This is a useful guide for shippers and container stuffers concerning the safe transport of containers by sea - Working with Containers - an FTA best practice guide
This is a useful guide for shippers and hauliers covering various aspects of container safety at sea and on the road - HSE Information sheet - DIS 1: Freeing jammed freight containers and container fittings on ships (PDF) [109]
- International Labour Organisation guidance
- Global dialogue forum on safety in the supply chain in relation to packing of containers[110]
- Report on Safety in the Supply Chain in Relation to Packing of Containers (PDF) [111]
- IMO/ILO/UN ECE Guidelines For Packing Of Containers (PDF) [112]
- Industry Code of Practice 'Safety and Health in Dock Work'[113].
This Code of Practice reflects ILO Convention no. 152 concerning Occupational Safety and Health in Dock Work
- Priced guidance from the International Cargo Handling and Co-ordination Association[114], can be ordered online or by email.
Port Skills and Safety[115] website for guidance on:
Port Skills and Safety SIP003 – Guidance on Container Handling [116]
Approved Continuous Examination Programme (ACEP) and Periodic Examination Scheme (PES)
- Freight container approval: Arrangements in Great Britain (the Green Guide)[117]
- Freight container examination schemes or programmes: Conditions for approval (the Yellow Guide)[118]
- International Maritime Organisation (IMO) International Convention for Safe Containers[119]
- Freight Container (Safety Convention) Regulations 1984, SI 1984, No 1890[120]
- Arrangements in Great Britain for the approval of containers (The Green Guide)
- Conditions for approval of examination schemes or programmes (The Yellow guide)