Guide to the Loading and Unloading of Fishing Vessels Regulations 1988

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Download a free copy - HSR28

Guidance on the Regulations for employers and employees' representatives. Fishing vessel means any craft used for the transport or storage of wet fish - whether used navigationally or not - but not a craft when used principally for carrying passengers or goods other than wet fish or solely for sport or recreation.

Styled presentation here distinguishes between text pertaining directly to the Regulations and that of the additional guidance. Regulations 5 and 6 - respectively 'safe working and safe access'; and 'safety of work and equipment' - are examined in depth and cover specific issues including shore-to-ship and ship-to-ship activities, ships' holds, slippery surfaces, lighting, rescue and fire, lifting plant, machinery, electricals and vehicles. Also provides exemption certificates and covers the issue of enforcement.

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Updated: 2023-04-24