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Rail Accident Investigation Branch's (RAIB) - accident reports

Risks from modifying Freight containers and incorrect 'loading' of freight containers

The Rail Accident Investigation Branch's (RAIB) Rail accident reports 17/2012 and 02/2013, asks the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to raise awareness, amongst users of freight containers of the findings of these investigations.

RAIB publication 17/2012

The RAIB publication 17/2012, reported on a container train incident near Althorpe Park, Northamptonshire (PDF) [31], where a partially detached metal panel from a container train struck the cab of a passing track maintenance vehicle, smashing the side window. A similar panel was found trackside, one mile further on. No-one was injured in this incident.

The panels were from two modified freight containers, which now housed power generation equipment and were being exported overseas. The panels covered two ventilation apertures on the container sides. They were fitted to prevent water ingress during the sea journey.

The cause of the accident was the fixings securing the panel had become loose during rail transit.

Since the incident, the company now fits the panels internally within the modified container.


The recommendation asks the Health and Safety Executive to draw the attention of manufacturers and users of modified freight containers, to the need for a competent assessment of the adequacy of bolted joints used to secure exterior attachments, when designing, modifying or repairing containers.

RAIB publication 02/2013

The RAIB publication 02/2013, reported on a wagon on a container train that derailed (PDF) [32], and then re-railed, when crossing a section of track connecting two lines (a crossover) at Reading West Junction. No-one was injured.

RAIB concluded that pallets in the container mounted on the wagon had moved during the road journey to the freight terminal. As a result, the uneven loading within the wagon had led to the incident.

The company that had packed the container had no processes at the time to ensure the palletised load could not move in transit. This was critical as this container was only partially filled, allowing space for the heavy pallets to shift, which lead to an unbalanced load.


The recommendation asks HSE to draw attention to those loading (known as 'stuffing' in the industry) containers, using sufficient 'dunnage' or solid packing, to prevent pallets or materials moving, especially when pallets support heavy individual items.

Shippers and freight forwarders should be aware of specific guidance, especially 'Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units' published by the International Maritime Organisation, or equivalent documents.

Staff and operatives should also receive training in the correct loading techniques, as failure to prevent load shift, especially in transit or during handling, may result in incidents with serious consequences.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Ports and docks
  2. Overview - Ports industry
  3. Key industry stakeholders
  4. Enforcing authorities
  5. Overview - Legal requirements
  6. Dangerous goods - (DGHAR)
  7. Fishing vessels
  8. FAQs on ports and docks
  9. Overview - Freight container safety
  10. Freight container regulations
  11. Container design and manufacture approval
  12. Container examination schemes
  13. RAIB - accident reports
  14. Overview - Topics
  15. Workplace transport
  16. Lifting operations
  17. Working at height
  18. Dusty cargoes
  19. Musculoskeletal disorders
  20. Whole-body vibration
  21. Slips and trips
  22. Confined spaces
  23. Overview - Access to vessels
  24. Linkspans and walkways
  25. Standards at quayside ladders
  26. Overview - Resources
  27. Publications and guidance
  28. Case studies
  29. Statistics
  30. Useful links
  31. RAIB publication 17/2012, reported on a container train incident near Althorpe Park, Northamptonshire
  32. RAIB publication 02/2013, reported on a wagon on a container train that derailed
  33. L148 - Safety in docks. ACOP
  34. L155 - Dangerous goods in harbour areas Regs 2016
  35. Container approval - Green guide
  36. Container examination - Yellow guide
  37. Quick guide to health and safety in ports
  38. Port Skills and Safety
  39. Department for Transport - Ports
  40. International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
  41. Port skills and safety
  42. Logistics
  43. Risk management
  44. Explosive
  45. Work equipment
  46. Work at height
  47. Workplace transport

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Duties under the Dangerous Goods in Harbour Areas Regulations 2016
Rail Accident Investigation Branch
Approved Code of Practice

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Updated 2021-11-08