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Attendance of witnesses

1. You should ensure that you have addresses and telephone numbers for all witnesses so that you can readily contact them. You should check their availability before fixing a trial date, although you should be careful to ensure that witnesses and employees are not informed before the accused that a prosecution is to be brought.

2. When the trial date is fixed, you should send a letter to each witness:

  • notifying them of the date, time and place of the hearing;
  • asking them to attend the hearing;
  • enclosing details of how to claim their expenses in attending court (or 'conduct money') - see below;
  • enclosing a map showing where the court is.

Standard letters (SL7 and 8) can be found in the Letters and Forms section.

3. Witnesses should be reimbursed their reasonable expenses in attending court, including appropriate travel costs (and accommodation, if necessary). As stated above, when writing to witnesses in advance of the hearing, they should be asked to provide details of their reasonable expenses (see above). What is 'reasonable' will need to be assessed, and carefully managed, on a case-by-case basis.

4. If there is reason to believe that a witness will not attend voluntarily, you should apply to the court for a witness summons. You should send the appropriate application to the clerk to the magistrates' court (see below).

5. If you propose to call a witness who requires an interpreter, you should notify the Language Services (Redgrave Court) as soon as possible, so that they can arrange for a suitable interpreter to attend.

6. A witness summons may be served by handing it to an individual, by sending it by first class post (or the equivalent of first class post) to an address where it is reasonably believed that s/he will receive it or by leaving it at that address 1, 2. The court can arrange for the summons to be served by the police if you so request.

7. The court will need to be given the name and address of the witness, and informed of any document that the witness is required to produce. You may also need to explain to the court how the nature of the evidence of the witness is material to the case. 3

8. If you have a witness who is outside the UK, you should seek to agree the statement (or necessary parts of it) with the defence as you cannot make them attend by using a witness summons. If the statement cannot be agreed, the cost of having the witness come to the UK to attend the trial should be balanced against the importance of the witness's evidence to the case. If it is not reasonably practicable to secure the witness's attendance in the UK, his/her statement may be admitted in evidence4 - see Cases where a witness is unavailable[166] in 'Exceptions to the hearsay rule' for further guidance.

9. In preparing for trial, counsel may meet with the prosecuting inspector and any expert witness appearing for the prosecution to discuss the relevant points and bring out the essence of the case. Meetings between the prosecuting lawyer (including counsel) and other witnesses in the case should only be carried out in limited circumstances, for the purpose of clarifying or assessing the reliability of evidence5.

10. Witness training (ie rehearsing, practising or coaching a witness in relation to evidence) for criminal trials is prohibited and must not be undertaken. This does not preclude pre-trial familiarisation that does not involve discussions about proposed or intended evidence6, for example answering questions from a witness about court layout and procedures. Where witnesses seek advice beyond such matters, you should refer them in the first instance to the Witness Service (run by the charity Victim Support). Contact details for the Service can be obtained from the local Court.

11. Section 139 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 allows witnesses to take their statements into court in order to refresh their memory; providing them with a copy of their statement for this purpose prior to giving evidence is permissible – see the guidance on Memory Refreshing[167] in 'Exceptions to the hearsay rule' and the section Supplying statements to witnesses[168].

Previous convictions of witnesses

12. The Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 requires prosecutors to inform the defence of material that might undermine the prosecution case. This is an important element in ensuring that the defendant has a fair trial 7. Where a prosecution witness has a previous conviction that is relevant to the case or his/her credibility, this will need to be disclosed to the defence8 (see Key requirements of the CPIA[169] for the definition of relevance). If there is any doubt as to whether a conviction is relevant, the advice of the prosecutor should be sought.

13. The procedure for carrying out such checks on witnesses is outlined in OC 168/6.

14. Where the defendant has previous convictions, see the sections Defendant's antecedents[170] and Imposing the sentence[171] for guidance.

HSE witnesses

15. Where an HSE employee (or a member of staff of any other government department) is to appear as a prosecution witness, information relating to any disciplinary matters may need to be disclosed to the defence in addition to any criminal convictions.9

16. There is also a duty to disclose any previous adverse judicial findings against investigators involved in the case.10 This will include any finding by a court that an HSE witness has knowingly misled the court, whether on oath or otherwise. Details of any such adverse finding should be disclosed to the defence.

Vulnerable or intimidated witnesses

17. Certain witnesses may be eligible for "special measures" to help them give evidence in criminal proceedings.11 This includes child witnesses (ie under 17), witnesses with physical or mental disorders (including those with learning difficulties) and witnesses who are in fear of testifying.12

18. Special measures include arranging for the witness to give evidence by way of video recording and/or live link to the court. If special measures might be appropriate for a particular witness, this should be brought to the court's attention in good time; for example, at the plea and case management hearing in the Crown Court or the pre-trial review in the magistrates' court.

19. Special measures include arranging for the witness to give evidence by way of video recording and/or live link to the court. If special measures might be appropriate for a particular witness, this should be brought to the court's attention in good time; for example, at the plea and case management hearing in the Crown Court or the pre-trial review in the magistrates' court.


  1. Criminal Procedure Rules, Rule 4.3(1)(a) and rule 4.4(1) and (2)(a). Back to reference of footnote 1
  2. See Production of documents[172] for serving a witness summons where you require the production of documents in the possession of a company defendant. Back to reference of footnote 2
  3. R v Peterborough Magistrates' Court, ex parte Willis and Amos (1987) 151 JP 785. See R v Marylebone Magistrates' Court, ex parte Gatting and Emburey [1990] Crim LR 578, where the court held that it was not sufficient that the prospective witness could give evidence of what he saw or heard of an incident leading to the criminal proceedings; the evidence must be material to the case of the litigant. Back to reference of footnote 3
  4. Section 116 Criminal Justice Act 2003. If a party applies to the court to exclude a statement admitted into evidence on the basis of this condition, the party seeking to rely on the statement in court will need to provide the court with the reason(s) why it is not reasonably practicable either to secure the witness's attendance or to arrange an alternative procedure (such as giving evidence by video link) whereby the contents of the statement could be clarified and challenged - R v C & K [2006] EWCA Crim 197. Back to reference of footnote 4
  5. See the CPS Code of Practice on pre-trial witness interviews[173], issued by the DPP in Dec 2005: under certain conditions, a Crown Prosecutor may conduct a pre-trial interview with a witness. The witness's attendance is voluntary and the investigating inspector should not normally be present. The interview may take place, for example, to assess the reliability of a witness's evidence. See also the Bar Standards Board Handbook which provides that counsel 'must not rehearse, practise with or coach a witness in respect of their evidence' – Part 2 the Code of Conduct C2 rC9.4. Back to reference of footnote 5
  6. R v Momodou:R v Limani [2005] EWCA Crim 177. Back to reference of footnote 6
  7. Article 6(1) European Convention on Human Rights, Human Rights Act 2000. Back to reference of footnote 7
  8. Vasilou [2000] Crim LR 845. Back to reference of footnote 8
  9. See OC168/6. Back to reference of footnote 9
  10. R v Guney [1998] 2 Cr App R 242, which concerned police witnesses. Back to reference of footnote 10
  11. Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. Back to reference of footnote 11
  12. Sections 16 and 17 YJCEA 1999. Back to reference of footnote 12

Link URLs in this page

  1. Enforcement
  2. Enforcement guide
  3. Introduction
  4. Overview
  5. Overview
  6. Order of collecting evidence
  7. Witness statements
  8. Overview
  9. Admissibility of confessions
  10. Inferences from silence
  11. Overview
  12. Evidence that may assist your investigation
  13. Obtaining evidence using section 20 powers
  14. Preparing evidence for court
  15. Overview
  16. The expert
  17. Site visits
  18. The report
  19. At court
  20. Overview
  21. Contract of employment
  22. Specific categories of workers
  23. Overview
  24. Partnerships
  25. Companies
  26. Joint ventures
  27. Limited liability partnerships
  28. Other defendants
  29. Prosecution of foreign defendants
  30. Insolvency
  31. Prosecution of individuals
  32. Proceeding against employees HSWA s7
  33. Proceeding against Crown employees
  34. Proceedings against director, manager, secretary or other similar officer
  35. Overview
  36. The prosecution report
  37. Approval of a proposed prosecution
  38. Evidential stage
  39. Public interest stage
  40. Selection of charges and mode of trial
  41. Cautions
  42. Enforcement against Crown bodies
  43. Recording reasons
  44. Pre-trial
  45. Overview
  46. Drafting informations
  47. Legal references
  48. Sample informations
  49. Overview
  50. Criminal procedure rules
  51. Jurisdiction
  52. Informations
  53. Summons
  54. Initial details of the prosecution case
  55. Information to assist the sentencing court
  56. Preparation for guilty plea in the magistrates court
  57. Overview
  58. Written statements
  59. Supplying statements to witnesses
  60. Supplying statements to the defence
  61. Attendance of witnesses
  62. Formal admissions
  63. Production of documents
  64. Defendant's antecedents
  65. Overview
  66. Key requirements of the CPIA
  67. Investigations and relevant material
  68. Disclosure stages
  69. Preparing the schedules
  70. Approach to common categories of material
  71. Overview
  72. Overview
  73. General principles
  74. Publicity
  75. Information which may be disclosed
  76. Sensitive cases
  77. Reporting committal proceedings
  78. Contempt of court
  79. Reporting and Publicity - Abuse of process at common law
  80. European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) considerations
  81. Reporting the trial
  82. Defamation: libel and slander
  83. Breach of confidence
  84. Data protection
  85. Reporting and publicity - Freedom of information
  86. Overview
  87. Court procedure
  88. Plea before venue and allocation
  89. Discontinuing a prosecution
  90. The hearing
  91. Objections and adjournments
  92. Contested cases - not guilty pleas
  93. Overview
  94. Trial process
  95. Proving the offence
  96. Key rules of evidence
  97. Overview
  98. Witnesses giving evidence in court
  99. Exclusion of evidence in court
  100. Use of inadmissible confessions
  101. Physical evidence
  102. Overview
  103. Exhibiting evidence
  104. Public documents
  105. Proof of convictions
  106. Sound and videotape recordings
  107. Photographs, sketches and models
  108. Maps and plans
  109. Real evidence (material objects)
  110. Computer evidence
  111. Expert reports
  112. Depositions
  113. Written witness statements
  114. Records required by statutory provisions
  115. Continuity
  116. Overview
  117. Rule against hearsay
  118. Exceptions to the hearsay rule
  119. Overview
  120. What is abuse of process?
  121. Delay
  122. Double jeopardy
  123. Breach of promise
  124. Loss of evidence / failure to disclose unused material
  125. Investigative impropriety
  126. Pre-trial publicity
  127. In magistrates' court
  128. Abuse of process in the Crown Court
  129. What to do if abuse is claimed
  130. Recording decisions
  131. Overview
  132. Preparing for sentencing hearings
  133. The sentencing hearing and imposing the sentence
  134. Penalties
  135. Costs
  136. Model examples
  137. Crown court
  138. Allocation Procedure
  139. At the Crown Court
  140. Committal for sentence
  141. Overview
  142. Prosecution rights of appeal
  143. Defence rights of appeal
  144. Rights of appeal for both parties
  145. Appeals to European courts
  146. Overview
  147. Overview
  148. Conditions for a valid notice
  149. Types of notice
  150. Drafting notices
  151. Service of notices
  152. Failure to comply
  153. Overview
  154. Employment tribunals - Jurisdiction of the tribunal
  155. Notice of appeal
  156. Preparation for the hearing
  157. Employment tribunal hearings
  158. Tribunal decision
  159. Challenging tribunal decisions
  160. Overview
  161. Introduction to the work related deaths section
  162. Investigation of work related deaths
  163. Coroner Inquests
  164. The coroner
  165. Enforcement guide Site map
  166. Cases where a witness is unavailable
  167. Memory Refreshing
  168. Supplying statements to witnesses
  169. Key requirements of the CPIA
  170. Defendant's antecedents
  171. Imposing the sentence
  172. Production of documents
  173. Code of Practice on pre-trial witness interviews
  174. Register of convictions and notices
  175. Enforcement policy statement
  176. Enforcement management model
  177. List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act

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Updated 2020-09-18