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The prosecution report

Preparing for approval

1. In order to prepare a report that will inform and assist the Approval Officer, you must understand the essence of the case and be able to explain both the circumstances of the case and whether the elements of any offence may be proved.

2. A prosecution report should be prepared for every prosecution case submitted for approval.

Key contents of the prosecution report

3. A prosecution report should include:

  • a contents list or index;
  • summary of the prosecution file for the approval officer (usually in the form of a covering memo), explaining where necessary any delay in completing the investigation and/or report;
  • the prosecution case, including draft informations;
  • the investigation report, consisting of the factual report and analysis, if the case arises from an investigation of an accident or incident;
  • a note of any points of law that may arise, together with any relevant case(s) and references to case reports or journals in which they are reported;
  • an EMM Enforcement Assessment Record form;
  • copies of witness statements, typed where appropriate, and any expert evidence;
  • copies of relevant photographs, maps or plans;
  • copies of any drawings or diagrams, labelled with measurements where appropriate, including those you or other investigators have produced to assist in the understanding of the facts;
  • any other documentary evidence (eg accident reports etc);
  • a summary or transcript of any PACE interview with the proposed defendant;
  • any correspondence with the defendant (eg previous letters of advice or warning);
  • copies of relevant HSE inspection records from the computer database, eg COIN/records, relating to the inspection or investigation leading to the proposed prosecution or relevant contacts with the duty holder prior to the alleged offence;
  • a Companies House search confirming, for example: that the company is registered; the correct name of the company; the registered office of the company (for service of the summons); and whether the company is in the course of being wound up;
  • in the more complex or serious cases or where a not guilty plea is anticipated, completed schedules of unused material as required under CPIA. You should refer to the Disclosure section for further information on what should be included in CPIA schedules;
  • clear reference to any material, whether used or unused, which might undermine the prosecution case or assist the defence;
  • any documents and statements required to show the defendant's safety record;
  • a witness check for any previous convictions, if the case relies on the credibility of a particular witness;
  • the views of the victim, including any victim personal statement taken (see below).

Information which the report should consider

4. In the report, you must identify the essential elements of the case and the most reliable admissible evidence by which each element will be proved. You should include any facts or information favourable to the defendant or which are likely to be employed by the defence, and any representations received from the defendant concerning the potential prosecution.

5. You should also consider what evidence may be required to rebut possible lines of argument from the defence; where an offence under consideration involves the failure to do something 'so far as is reasonably practicable', it is advisable to adduce prosecution evidence to show what measures it would have been reasonably practicable for the defendant to take. This may include, for example:

  • HSE or industry guidance, or expert evidence, to counter any potential defence arguments on foreseeability1; or
  • where the defence may argue that the actions (or omissions) of an employee were not foreseeable, evidence of wider custom and practice, human factors or the hierarchy of control measures2.

See the section Proving the offence[166] for further guidance on reasonable practicability, section 40 HSWA and 'advance rebuttal'.

6. You should also record the views of the victim (injured person or bereaved) about the proposed prosecution. If a victim personal statement (VPS) has been taken, this should be provided to the Approval Officer. If the victim has not made a VPS, his/her views should nevertheless be considered in the prosecution report. The VPS scheme is one element in HSE's guidance on working with victims and bereaved families[167].

7. You should set out the aggravating, mitigating and other factors relevant to sentencing, so as to provide a clear summary for the approving officer. This will also facilitate the production of a Friskies schedule if the case is approved (see the section on Sentencing and Costs[168]).

8. Where, because of the particular nature of a case, senior management has been kept informed of its progress, you should include details of senior management comments/input in the report.

Timeliness of reports and time limits

9. You should draw up a prosecution report and submit it to the Approval Officer as soon as possible after you have concluded your enquiries. You should meet any time standard set by your Directorate, and include in the report a written explanation for any delay. A defendant is entitled to "trial within a reasonable time" 3 and any undue delay in undertaking a prosecution may lead to the defence arguing that the prosecution is an abuse of process.

10. Most HSE cases may be heard either before the magistrates or at Crown Court ("triable either way"). Whilst there must not be unreasonable delay, there are no limits for laying the information in such cases. A few cases are summary only, and the informations must be laid within 6 months of the offence, unless s.34(3) and (4) HSWA apply.

Approval Officers

11. Section 18(1) HSWA imposes a duty upon HSE to make adequate arrangements for the enforcement of health and safety law. In all cases, the prosecution is conducted on behalf of HSE. However, it is important to distinguish the role of laying an information from that of bringing a prosecution.

12. In line with other enforcement regimes, the responsibility for laying an information lies with an individual, ie the inspector. The responsibility for deciding whether to commence a prosecution on behalf of HSE is a different role. This function, which involves assessing and approving cases for prosecution, is undertaken by the Approval Officer who is, in most cases, a Principal Inspector. In certain cases, the Approval Officer should consider notifying senior managers of the circumstances of the case before s/he makes any prosecution decision; a more senior officer may decide to take on the role of Approval Officer instead 4.

13. When a file is forwarded to an Approval Officer, you will already have applied the standards under the Enforcement Management Model (PDF) [169] and obtained an indication of the type of enforcement action that HSE would normally expect to be taken. The proposed action is still subject to approval by the Approval Officer, who will have an opportunity to consider any relevant "dutyholder or strategic factors". The EMM helps to ensure that HSE meets its commitment to consistency, proportionality and targeting in relation to its enforcement decisions, in accordance with in accordance with HSE's Enforcement Policy Statement.

Views of the suspect

14. The Approval Officer will also consider the views of the suspect , or its representative in the case of a body corporate. T the suspect may l have been interviewed under caution during the course of the investigation (see Collecting Witness Evidence – Interviewing Suspects) and therefore will have been given an opportunity to put forward their views and representations in that interview. Where no interview under caution has taken place , the suspect will have been invited to provide any written representations s/he may wish to make in relation to the investigation.

15. If the suspect's representations are obtained (either in an interview under caution or in writing) a significant period of time before the approval process, it will be necessary to check with the suspect at that stage whether they wish to make any further representations. This check should be done in writing, unless you intend to hold a further interview under caution for other reasons.

16. Where written representations are received, they should not be treated as evidence against the person supplying them. However, they may be useful in other ways; for example, they may:

  • reveal further lines of enquiry; or
  • inform you of matters which may be relevant to the prosecution decision; or
  • provide new information which may be relevant to the public interest stage of the Code for Crown Prosecutors.

17. . It is important that you do not question a suspect about an alleged offence without observing the Codes of Practice under PACE, as this may be viewed as unfair. If you invite a suspect to make representations (other than during an interview under caution), you should always do so in writing.


  1. In R v HTM Ltd [2006] EWCA Crim 1156, the Court of Appeal held that, in assessing what measures it is 'reasonably practicable' for a duty holder to take in relation to the general duties under sections 2, 3 and 4 HSWA, the likelihood of a risk eventuating (which includes some consideration of what is reasonably foreseeable) is relevant. Back to reference of footnote 1
  2. The principles of prevention are set out in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, regulation 4 and schedule 1. Back to reference of footnote 2
  3. Article 6(1) European Convention on Human Rights. Back to reference of footnote 3
  4. See OC 168/14[170] on Notification of prosecution cases, which gives guidance to Approval Officers on when they should consider notifying more senior operational line managers. Back to reference of footnote 4

Link URLs in this page

  1. Enforcement
  2. Enforcement guide
  3. Introduction
  4. Overview
  5. Overview
  6. Order of collecting evidence
  7. Witness statements
  8. Overview
  9. Admissibility of confessions
  10. Inferences from silence
  11. Overview
  12. Evidence that may assist your investigation
  13. Obtaining evidence using section 20 powers
  14. Preparing evidence for court
  15. Overview
  16. The expert
  17. Site visits
  18. The report
  19. At court
  20. Overview
  21. Contract of employment
  22. Specific categories of workers
  23. Overview
  24. Partnerships
  25. Companies
  26. Joint ventures
  27. Limited liability partnerships
  28. Other defendants
  29. Prosecution of foreign defendants
  30. Insolvency
  31. Prosecution of individuals
  32. Proceeding against employees HSWA s7
  33. Proceeding against Crown employees
  34. Proceedings against director, manager, secretary or other similar officer
  35. Overview
  36. The prosecution report
  37. Approval of a proposed prosecution
  38. Evidential stage
  39. Public interest stage
  40. Selection of charges and mode of trial
  41. Cautions
  42. Enforcement against Crown bodies
  43. Recording reasons
  44. Pre-trial
  45. Overview
  46. Drafting informations
  47. Legal references
  48. Sample informations
  49. Overview
  50. Criminal procedure rules
  51. Jurisdiction
  52. Informations
  53. Summons
  54. Initial details of the prosecution case
  55. Information to assist the sentencing court
  56. Preparation for guilty plea in the magistrates court
  57. Overview
  58. Written statements
  59. Supplying statements to witnesses
  60. Supplying statements to the defence
  61. Attendance of witnesses
  62. Formal admissions
  63. Production of documents
  64. Defendant's antecedents
  65. Overview
  66. Key requirements of the CPIA
  67. Investigations and relevant material
  68. Disclosure stages
  69. Preparing the schedules
  70. Approach to common categories of material
  71. Overview
  72. Overview
  73. General principles
  74. Publicity
  75. Information which may be disclosed
  76. Sensitive cases
  77. Reporting committal proceedings
  78. Contempt of court
  79. Reporting and Publicity - Abuse of process at common law
  80. European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) considerations
  81. Reporting the trial
  82. Defamation: libel and slander
  83. Breach of confidence
  84. Data protection
  85. Reporting and publicity - Freedom of information
  86. Overview
  87. Court procedure
  88. Plea before venue and allocation
  89. Discontinuing a prosecution
  90. The hearing
  91. Objections and adjournments
  92. Contested cases - not guilty pleas
  93. Overview
  94. Trial process
  95. Proving the offence
  96. Key rules of evidence
  97. Overview
  98. Witnesses giving evidence in court
  99. Exclusion of evidence in court
  100. Use of inadmissible confessions
  101. Physical evidence
  102. Overview
  103. Exhibiting evidence
  104. Public documents
  105. Proof of convictions
  106. Sound and videotape recordings
  107. Photographs, sketches and models
  108. Maps and plans
  109. Real evidence (material objects)
  110. Computer evidence
  111. Expert reports
  112. Depositions
  113. Written witness statements
  114. Records required by statutory provisions
  115. Continuity
  116. Overview
  117. Rule against hearsay
  118. Exceptions to the hearsay rule
  119. Overview
  120. What is abuse of process?
  121. Delay
  122. Double jeopardy
  123. Breach of promise
  124. Loss of evidence / failure to disclose unused material
  125. Investigative impropriety
  126. Pre-trial publicity
  127. In magistrates' court
  128. Abuse of process in the Crown Court
  129. What to do if abuse is claimed
  130. Recording decisions
  131. Overview
  132. Preparing for sentencing hearings
  133. The sentencing hearing and imposing the sentence
  134. Penalties
  135. Costs
  136. Model examples
  137. Crown court
  138. Allocation Procedure
  139. At the Crown Court
  140. Committal for sentence
  141. Overview
  142. Prosecution rights of appeal
  143. Defence rights of appeal
  144. Rights of appeal for both parties
  145. Appeals to European courts
  146. Overview
  147. Overview
  148. Conditions for a valid notice
  149. Types of notice
  150. Drafting notices
  151. Service of notices
  152. Failure to comply
  153. Overview
  154. Employment tribunals - Jurisdiction of the tribunal
  155. Notice of appeal
  156. Preparation for the hearing
  157. Employment tribunal hearings
  158. Tribunal decision
  159. Challenging tribunal decisions
  160. Overview
  161. Introduction to the work related deaths section
  162. Investigation of work related deaths
  163. Coroner Inquests
  164. The coroner
  165. Enforcement guide Site map
  166. Proving the offence
  167. working with victims and bereaved families
  168. Sentencing and Costs
  169. Enforcement Management Model
  170. OC 168/14
  171. Register of convictions and notices
  172. Enforcement policy statement
  173. Enforcement management model
  174. List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act

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Updated 2024-02-09