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Admissibility of confessions

Admissibility PACE section 76

1. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, s.76, provides that a disputed confession cannot be used in evidence against an accused person unless the prosecution proves beyond reasonable doubt that it was not obtained:

  • "by oppression of the person who made it; or
  • in consequence of anything said or done which was likely, in the circumstances existing at the time, to render unreliable any confession which might be made by him in consequence thereof".

2. For the purposes of this section, a confession includes any statement wholly or partly adverse to the person who made it, whether made to a person in authority or not and whether made in words or otherwise. 1 The issue of whether a statement has been obtained by oppression or in circumstances which make it unreliable is always a question of fact in all the circumstances.

3. If a defendant wishes to challenge the admissibility of a confession the court will usually decide the issue by holding a mini-trial (known as a `voir dire') where both sides can call evidence to support their argument on admissibility.


4. Oppression includes torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, and the use or threat of violence. 2 It should be given its ordinary dictionary meaning: 3 "exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, harsh, or wrongful manner; unjust or cruel treatment of subjects, inferiors, etc, or the imposition of unreasonable or unjust burdens."

5. An interview that lasted 13 hours, during which the police shouted at the suspect what they wanted him to say but where the suspect denied involvement over 300 times was held to be oppressive. 4 In contrast, a 75 minute interview conducted at a slow pace which gave the suspect time to consider his replies, in which police officers had raised their voices, but not shouted, was held not to have been oppressive. 5 The court is entitled to consider the character and experience of the suspect in deciding what is oppressive or likely to make a confession unreliable. 6


6. Examples where confessions have been held to be made in circumstances making them likely to be unreliable include where a suspect was not given proper rest, 7 where a suspect was not cautioned at the start of an interview, 8 and where the police failed to make a proper record of an interview in breach of the Codes of Practice 9.

7. A confession may be held to be unreliable if it was made as a result of an inducement. 10 This will include saying anything that makes the suspect believe that confessing will lead to more favourable treatment, or anything that sounds like a promise for the future.

Exclusion of evidence on the ground of unfairness - PACE section 78

8. PACE section 78, provides that any evidence 11 may be excluded if it appears to the court that "having regard to all the circumstances, including the circumstances in which the evidence was obtained, the admission of the evidence would have such an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings that the court ought not to admit it."

9. Section 78 was drafted in broad terms to allow its application in a variety of situations that could not be anticipated. There is no definitive case law defining/explaining the scope of section 78. When an application to exclude the evidence is made, the court will approach the application in two stages:

10. Firstly, the court will examine "the circumstances in which the evidence was obtained". This deliberately broad phrase will allow the court to consider, if necessary, the entire backdrop to the evidence and how it was obtained. It is therefore important that you keep notes in your notebook of the background to the investigation and particular circumstances in which evidence is obtained.

11. Secondly, they will consider whether admitting the evidence would have an adverse effect upon the fairness of the proceedings. When considering the issue of fairness, the court must strike a balance between what is fair to the prosecution and what is fair to the defence. 12

12. Although section 76 of PACE provides for the exclusion of confessions, this does not affect the ability of the court to exclude confessions if they meet the test set out in s.78. 13 Evidence obtained by a "significant or substantial" breach of PACE or one of the Codes is likely to be excluded, 14 as is a confession obtained by a trick. 15

13. There is no requirement for the investigators to have acted in bad faith before evidence is excluded and good faith by investigators will not excuse serious breaches of PACE and the codes of practice. Where there is bad faith on the part of the investigators, this will usually lead to the exclusion of evidence. 16 You should ensure that you are familiar with the terms of the codes.

Discretion to exclude unfair evidence: common law

14. The court also has power at common law to exclude evidence where its probative value is outweighed by its prejudicial effect. This has been held to include where "if it is necessary in order to secure a fair trial for the accused." 17

Evidence obtained as the result of a confession ruled inadmissible under PACE section 76

15. Where a confession has been obtained which is inadmissible under s.76, that does not affect the admissibility of any facts discovered as a result. 18 However, you cannot show that those facts were discovered as the result of the inadmissible evidence. 19 The information obtained in that confession may be used to obtain other evidence. However, the court may exercise its discretion under s.78 to decide that this evidence also should not be admitted.


  1. PACE 1984, s.82(1). Back to reference of footnote 1
  2. PACE 1984, s.76(8). Back to reference of footnote 2
  3. R v Fulling [1987] 2 All ER 65. Back to reference of footnote 3
  4. R v Paris (1993) 97 Cr. App. R. 99; [1994] Crim LR 361, CA. Back to reference of footnote 4
  5. R v Heaton [1993] Crim LR 593, CA. Back to reference of footnote 5
  6. R v Seelig, 94 Cr.App.R. 17, CA. Back to reference of footnote 6
  7. R v Trussler [1988] Crim LR 446. Back to reference of footnote 7
  8. R v Doolan [1988] Crim LR 447. Back to reference of footnote 8
  9. R v Delaney [1988] TLR 30 August, CA. Back to reference of footnote 9
  10. R v Matthias [1989] TLR, 24 August. Back to reference of footnote 10
  11. CPS guidance on s101(1) of CJA 2003 (admissibility of bad character evidence) indicates that the provisions under section 78 PACE apply to s101(1) (d) and (g) only, if the issue arises then Legal Adviser's Office should be contacted. Back to reference of footnote 11
  12. R v Hughes [1988] Crim LR 519, CA. Back to reference of footnote 12
  13. R v Mason (1987) 3 All AR 481. Back to reference of footnote 13
  14. R v Absolam (1980) TLR 9 July CA; R v Walsh (1990) 91 Cr. App. R. 161; R v Keenan [1990] 2 QB 54. Back to reference of footnote 14
  15. R v Mason (1988) 86 Cr. App. R. 349. Back to reference of footnote 15
  16. R c Alladice 87 Cr.App.R. 380 and R v Samuel [1988] QB 615. Back to reference of footnote 16
  17. Scott v R, Barnes v R [1989] AC 1242. The common law power is specifically retained by s.82(3) PACE 1984. Back to reference of footnote 17
  18. PACE 1984, s.76(4)(a) provides that the fact that a confession is wholly or partly excluded under s.76 does not affect the admissibility in evidence of any fact discovered as a result of the confession. Back to reference of footnote 18
  19. PACE 1984, s.76(5). Back to reference of footnote 19

Link URLs in this page

  1. Enforcement
  2. Enforcement guide
  3. Introduction
  4. Overview
  5. Overview
  6. Order of collecting evidence
  7. Witness statements
  8. Overview
  9. Admissibility of confessions
  10. Inferences from silence
  11. Overview
  12. Evidence that may assist your investigation
  13. Obtaining evidence using section 20 powers
  14. Preparing evidence for court
  15. Overview
  16. The expert
  17. Site visits
  18. The report
  19. At court
  20. Overview
  21. Contract of employment
  22. Specific categories of workers
  23. Overview
  24. Partnerships
  25. Companies
  26. Joint ventures
  27. Limited liability partnerships
  28. Other defendants
  29. Prosecution of foreign defendants
  30. Insolvency
  31. Prosecution of individuals
  32. Proceeding against employees HSWA s7
  33. Proceeding against Crown employees
  34. Proceedings against director, manager, secretary or other similar officer
  35. Overview
  36. The prosecution report
  37. Approval of a proposed prosecution
  38. Evidential stage
  39. Public interest stage
  40. Selection of charges and mode of trial
  41. Cautions
  42. Enforcement against Crown bodies
  43. Recording reasons
  44. Pre-trial
  45. Overview
  46. Drafting informations
  47. Legal references
  48. Sample informations
  49. Overview
  50. Criminal procedure rules
  51. Jurisdiction
  52. Informations
  53. Summons
  54. Initial details of the prosecution case
  55. Information to assist the sentencing court
  56. Preparation for guilty plea in the magistrates court
  57. Overview
  58. Written statements
  59. Supplying statements to witnesses
  60. Supplying statements to the defence
  61. Attendance of witnesses
  62. Formal admissions
  63. Production of documents
  64. Defendant's antecedents
  65. Overview
  66. Key requirements of the CPIA
  67. Investigations and relevant material
  68. Disclosure stages
  69. Preparing the schedules
  70. Approach to common categories of material
  71. Overview
  72. Overview
  73. General principles
  74. Publicity
  75. Information which may be disclosed
  76. Sensitive cases
  77. Reporting committal proceedings
  78. Contempt of court
  79. Reporting and Publicity - Abuse of process at common law
  80. European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) considerations
  81. Reporting the trial
  82. Defamation: libel and slander
  83. Breach of confidence
  84. Data protection
  85. Reporting and publicity - Freedom of information
  86. Overview
  87. Court procedure
  88. Plea before venue and allocation
  89. Discontinuing a prosecution
  90. The hearing
  91. Objections and adjournments
  92. Contested cases - not guilty pleas
  93. Overview
  94. Trial process
  95. Proving the offence
  96. Key rules of evidence
  97. Overview
  98. Witnesses giving evidence in court
  99. Exclusion of evidence in court
  100. Use of inadmissible confessions
  101. Physical evidence
  102. Overview
  103. Exhibiting evidence
  104. Public documents
  105. Proof of convictions
  106. Sound and videotape recordings
  107. Photographs, sketches and models
  108. Maps and plans
  109. Real evidence (material objects)
  110. Computer evidence
  111. Expert reports
  112. Depositions
  113. Written witness statements
  114. Records required by statutory provisions
  115. Continuity
  116. Overview
  117. Rule against hearsay
  118. Exceptions to the hearsay rule
  119. Overview
  120. What is abuse of process?
  121. Delay
  122. Double jeopardy
  123. Breach of promise
  124. Loss of evidence / failure to disclose unused material
  125. Investigative impropriety
  126. Pre-trial publicity
  127. In magistrates' court
  128. Abuse of process in the Crown Court
  129. What to do if abuse is claimed
  130. Recording decisions
  131. Overview
  132. Preparing for sentencing hearings
  133. The sentencing hearing and imposing the sentence
  134. Penalties
  135. Costs
  136. Model examples
  137. Crown court
  138. Allocation Procedure
  139. At the Crown Court
  140. Committal for sentence
  141. Overview
  142. Prosecution rights of appeal
  143. Defence rights of appeal
  144. Rights of appeal for both parties
  145. Appeals to European courts
  146. Overview
  147. Overview
  148. Conditions for a valid notice
  149. Types of notice
  150. Drafting notices
  151. Service of notices
  152. Failure to comply
  153. Overview
  154. Employment tribunals - Jurisdiction of the tribunal
  155. Notice of appeal
  156. Preparation for the hearing
  157. Employment tribunal hearings
  158. Tribunal decision
  159. Challenging tribunal decisions
  160. Overview
  161. Introduction to the work related deaths section
  162. Investigation of work related deaths
  163. Coroner Inquests
  164. The coroner
  165. Enforcement guide Site map
  166. Register of convictions and notices
  167. Enforcement policy statement
  168. Enforcement management model
  169. List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act

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Updated 2020-09-18